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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Mark asks…

Do you run your house with a generator, is it better than a main supply?

I am thinking about having the mains electricity cut off, having a wind turbine and a generator instead, is there anyone who powers the house ONLY by alternative ways?? if so how succesfull is it and do you save money.

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Donald asks…

what is the best copper wire to build a electric generator?

Can you use any copper wire to make a wind turbine electric generator?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Boats

Daniel asks…

I am on my boat now and it wont start. The horn does not ever work! What should I do?

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Mary asks…

I have a 20 kw westerbeke diesel generator that surges speed wise.?

I can visually see the electronic speed actuator moving in and out when this is happening. Should I replace the actuator or could it be something else. This is in a boat.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician

Sharon asks…

how do I locate a college in Florida that i can attend to become a wind turbine technician?

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Robert asks…

How much (average) To Wind Turbine Technicians make a year?

Im talking on a global Scale

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types

Thomas asks…

What is needed to create a village in Antarctica so people could live there permanently?

What is needed to create a village in Antarctica so people could live there permanently? Ok might sound like a stupid question but humour me. Just say I really wanted to live there how would it be possible to get renewable food/ water/ and electricity out there? Maybe some kind of indoor farms?? What about wind turbines with the cold, will they still function? What type of building is needed to survive out there.

Thanks for your input.

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William asks…

where can i get a 12 v generator in india or near by jamshedpur?

I would like to make a small wind turbine, for this i need a small generator, if any one can help me regarding this mater.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay

Ruth asks…

I have a DC Motor, rated at 180 Watts, which runs at 36 Volts.?

When I turn it by hand it produces a good voltage. Can this be used as a Generator. What electronics would be needed between the motor (now a generator) and the battery? I am not very electronically minded.

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John asks…

Using an alternator in a wind generator? Link inside…?

I saw this on eBay and to me, it looks like he’s using an alternator from a vehicle as a motor for a wind generator. Is that what this is?


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Your Questions About Wind Turbines Colorado

Mary asks…

what are 3 things we can do to solve gas prices?

to stop the inflation of them, any ideas?

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Nancy asks…

What is it like living in Wyoming?

Honestly I do not know much about the state. I assume it is probably country, but what are the people like? Is it podunk? How about the amenities and restaurants? Is it very religious or military oriented? How happy are yo to live there? The more info the better.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Lisa asks…

How to electric generators work? (Wind turbines etc.)?

I know the basic idea – turn a magnet in a coil of wire. But we did that in school and we could barely make a light stay on for more than a few seconds consistently.

So what is the design behind the generators in wind turbines? How are they actually designed in a real world situation (Not a toilet roll middle with some wire round it).

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Helen asks…

How do I make a model wind turbine?

I have to build a working model wind turbine for a science project. It has to actually produce energy but it cant be built from a kit nor can it use fancy equipment as it has to be made from house hold materials. I’v searched many web sites but i just cant find anything. Please help!
Thanks in advance

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

Susan asks…

What are the some applications of trigonometry?

I know that trig is use mainly by surveyors, navigators, map makers,etc.
But how can a person like me, who is not a scientist nor professional mathematician to use trigonometry in everyday lives?Please give me some examples of problems where can I use it.(for example in home)
And please explain the solutions.

I just want to know because I found trigonometry to be hard if I didn’t know how to apply it.

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John asks…

How do I go about getting my house solar powered?

I live in South Texas and am ready to build a house. I’m very interested in making my home solar powered. Where do I start?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Steven asks…

Heard of new wind turbine with no blades?

I heard from my biology professor about a new type of wind turbine that was designed in Michigan that doesn’t have any blades, so it doesn’t effect birds & bats. Instead it has this circle thing at the top that twirls around.

Has anybody heard of it? I’m trying to find an article on it so I can add it to my wind turbine paper but I can’t find a thing.

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Sharon asks…

how do i calculate kilowatt hours for wind turbines?

im trying to find the size wind turbine i need. ive figured out my daily usage of electricity now i need to figure out how much a turbine makes per hour.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Sale

Susan asks…

Comparing and contrasting wind vs. solar power?

I have to write a paper on something in english and I figured this would be a good topic. So I need help from people to tell me what they know about wind and solar power and any other things related. Any kind of information would be helpful. If you know a scientist or someone who does research on this kind of stuff then it would be great if you could also tell me their names because i have to add some sources and I think an expert on the subject would be perfect! Even a teacher would be good. If you get anything from like a magazine or an article of some kind please tell me the title of the article. (it’s fine if you don’t know any of the peoples names or articles title) Thanks.

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Sharon asks…

Didn’t really apply myself in highschool, but now im 25 I want to become a ME. Is is impossible?

I really do believe being a Mechanical Engineer would be awesome. Not to mention there is a demand for it, and probably will be for years and years. I never was the smartest in highschool, in fact because I didn’t appy myself as I should, some classes were failed. Later on I made them up and passed them, some math. I have never taken calculus or physics before. Would it be a waste of time to go for a ME degree 8 years after highschool? I have GI bill that will pay for 36 months of schooling and tuitions. Im really interested in this field, and I do believe that if its put in front of me, and I put my heart into it, that I can do it. But I just don’t know in my case not having the necessary experience in math and having to learn what I need and possibly re-learn some, if its possible. Obviously I would need to take college transfer classes and all the basic courses. Is there anyone out there that decided to go down this path long after school, and been sucessful with it? Any motivation or reality check would be helpful. Thanks

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Cost

Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to reduce energy costs with renewable methods?

I’ve been trying to find out more about saving money through renewable energy sources. Solar seems to be quite a popular one for residential purposes but I wonder about how expensive it is. Has anyone done a cost analysis comparing all the different renewable energy sources?



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Lisa asks…

How much does it cost to add solar panals and a wind generator to a 43 foot sailboat?

A turn key system and how hard are they to install?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine

Richard asks…

How much energy is used to design and manufacture a wind turbine?

What would be the energy consumption to produce one wind turbine, taking into account absolutely everything, from the design engineer’s power consumption on his pc to the manufacture of metal or plastic parts to the to the energy consumption of the cement manufacture for the concrete base?
How long would it take for this turbine to produce a energy “payback” ?

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Helen asks…

What size building can one Wind Turbine power?

How large of a building can one average sized wind turbine power? I don’t know what all of the energy vocab means. Is it closer to a small house or apartment or more like a whole school?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Helen asks…

What is a very creative way to talk about being an engineer with wind turbines?

This is for a energy project. I have to find a creative way to talk about a energy as a career. I chose being an engineer for wind turbines.i have to introduce it, talk about about the degrees needed and talk about the salary and job opportunities now and in the future. i was thinking about writing a creative story about someone who is in this field. do you think this is a good idea?

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Linda asks…

How should i make a small wind turbine and connect it to an amp meter?

for a science project i have to make a wind mill or wind turbine ( a small one no taller than a foot long) and then i have to measure which shape of the blade creates the most amps..how should i connect it to an amp meter and where can i get materials to make one?
how should i get the wind turbine to connect to the generator and the meter..do u know anywhere to buy pre made small windmilll/windturbines to hook up to generators

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Alaska

Carol asks…

Is growing population really the problem.. or is it more like greed of consumption?

When we mention a population problem, people imagine an overcrowded world. There are six billion people on the planet. If everyone stood within five feet of each other, each person would take up five square feet. That would be over 150 billion square feet. Texas, for example, is well over 14 trillion square feet. All the people in the world would fit comfortably in a small space about the size of New Jersey without touching each other and all the rest of the land on earth would be empty. This is a population problem?

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Daniel asks…

Will wind generators be outlawed since they are killing birds such as eagles?

The massive fiberglass blades on the more than 4,000 windmills have been chopping up tens of thousands of birds that fly into them, including golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, burrowing owls and other raptors.

It is illegal to kill eagles in this country. So will the windmills be outlawed?

Robert N. Patrick Jr., 51, was fined $1,275 recently on a federal charge of violating the Bald Eagle Protection Act and using a restricted-use pesticide.

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Info on the bald eagle and golden eagle protection act:
Should they be banned?
lonewady – what a great answer. If you kill a bald eagle, you can go to jail. Without coal you would not be able to give stupid answers on Yahoo.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost

Donald asks…

how much does a huge wind turbine cost to put up and maintain for one year?

I’m doing an English report on Alternative Energy Resources and I’m looking for an answer…. I want to know the combined cost of putting up and maintaining one of those huge wind turbines. (The ones someone might see on a wind farm (THEY ARE Everywhere!))

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Laura asks…

How to make (hand made ) a wind mild (turbine) using recycled materials to get energy?

I want to install six lamps, and build a wind turbine (from recycled materials), in order it to be ecologically clean.I have a small budget.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Carol asks…

How much KWH from a wind turbine generator to fully charge two 12V 80AH?

Hi guys,

I am building my own little wind turbine and I would love to know what will be the specifications of the generator that I will use to fully charge two 12V 80AH at the same time. What will be the best way to connect the 2 batteries for a better charge? in series or parallel?

Thank a lot


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Betty asks…

how does a wind turbine generator work?

I think I’ve designed a new wind turbine and I need to start thinking about the generator part. How does an electricity generator work in this case and where might I procure one in the UK?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Cost

Robert asks…

why does the government not want a low cost way to make power?

7 years ago, I designed a short, low cost wind mill that will power two generators, yet the government that claims to want renewable energy has been in battle with me for years because they don’t want me putting the coal miners out of work. Can anyone tell me why the government will say they want a renewable energy source, yet refuse to allow mine?

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Charles asks…

What is the best electricity generator for my scenario?

I have a 800 square foot cabin in Maine. I want to get electricity out there to power a t.v., radio maybe, MAYBE a computer, a room fan, basic lights, washer and dryer. Im wondering if I should use solar? Wind? there is a stream running nearby and Im curious about “Micro hydro turbines” to fuel my electricty. Im just looking to see which is best for the money, and electric output. – Thank you

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Jobs

Nancy asks…

How can I get a job offer in New Zealand?

Hello, My name is Sasan Solimani , I am 31 years old from Iran, I graduated in power electrical engineering and I have 7 years of experiences as a service man engineer for wind turbines type V47, 660kW, I wonder how can I get a job offer from New Zealand does anybody could help me

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Charles asks…

What does it take to feed into the power grid?

because of the harmonic whatnot of the power grid – separate wind turbines, for example, have to be aligned to the frequency of the circuit to feed into the power grid

I understand this – but what does it take to have this occur?

What’s the least an individual would have to do to be able to do this on a small scale?

for instance, to be able to plug something directly into their wall socket that would be able to sell electricity back into the grid – by reverse-engineering a treadmill for example, resistance to power a motor – to sell energy back into the power grid?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Manufacturers

Lizzie asks…

How do you figure how big of a Wind Generator You Need for your home?

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Donna asks…

Does An Alternator Need To Be Spinning Fast To Produce Electricity.?

I am making a micro hydro system in my backyard but i don’t know if the stream is running fast enough to spin the alternator. How fast does it need to be spinning to produce electricity. Already i have 2 solar panels and a wind turbine but want a bit more power so i thought this would do the job. Please Help.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Boats

Carol asks…

How come when you are charging more than one battery in a car you would use a isolater ,but for a wind mill ?

you would use a charge controller is there much of a difference?

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Ruth asks…

are there any ways to save on fuel?

are there any boats on alternative fuels? cause I keep reading about cars that need like less than a glass of fuel.

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