Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Helen asks…

What is a very creative way to talk about being an engineer with wind turbines?

This is for a energy project. I have to find a creative way to talk about a energy as a career. I chose being an engineer for wind turbines.i have to introduce it, talk about about the degrees needed and talk about the salary and job opportunities now and in the future. i was thinking about writing a creative story about someone who is in this field. do you think this is a good idea?

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Linda asks…

How should i make a small wind turbine and connect it to an amp meter?

for a science project i have to make a wind mill or wind turbine ( a small one no taller than a foot long) and then i have to measure which shape of the blade creates the most should i connect it to an amp meter and where can i get materials to make one?
how should i get the wind turbine to connect to the generator and the u know anywhere to buy pre made small windmilll/windturbines to hook up to generators

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