Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use
Carol asksā¦
Is it safe to stay home in Connecticut when Hurricane Irene is approaching?
I live in Southern Connecticut and I’m really scared about this hurricane irene. Is it safe for me to stay at home where i live? I’m very concerned and just need to know before it comes our way. Thank you!
admin answers:
Oh you northerners š
I’m from NC, so listen up. Unless you are on the coast, you won’t need to worry. Just be prepared if your area is forcasted to be in a flooding zone. By the time it gets up there the winds are supposed to be mostly tropical storm force, so don’t worry about that unless you have large trees on your property. You should have a few things though:
-enough bottled water supply for a few days
-first aid kit
-flash lights
-batteries, lots and lots of batteries
-weather radio in the event the power gets knocked out
-possibly a generator if you really want power in your home
-non-refrigerated food
-and also have supplies in the event that you need to clean up your property afterwards (chainsaws, brooms, leaf blowers, etc)
I’m supposed to get hit tonight/tomorrow so I’ll be having fun. Good luck!
Ken asksā¦
What are best wind and solar powered generators?
This would be for a residential area and need to comply to fire and other safety regulations. I want to generate electric power for home and electric vehicles.
admin answers:
You’re asking a difficult question only because the technology is improving each month. What is the best today probably won’t be the best next year. For wind power you will need a wind availibility survey describing the average wind conditions throughout the year for your locality. Every homesite is a bit different. To establish a cost/benefit analysis your first have to know how much wind energy is available.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine
Carol asksā¦
How much electrical energy (in kWh) can the wind turbine generate in a year?
Assume a wind turbine with a hub 50.0 m above the ground, a rotor diameter of 50.0 m, and a wind-power conversion efficiency of 25%. The turbine operates in an area with an average wind-power density of 500 watts/m2 at 50 m altitude. How much electrical energy (in kWh) can the wind turbine generate in a year?
admin answers:
The question is written to allow for a rather simple solution, unlike the challenges of real wind turbine power and energy estimation.
Energy = Power x Time
Electric power produced = conversion efficiency x gross wind power
Gross wind power = power density x turbine swept area
So, with all the equations at hand, we can solve the problem.
Turbine swept area = 2 x pi x (25 m)^2 = 3927 m^2
Wind power density = 500 W/m^2
Thus, Gross wind power = 500 W/m^2 x 3927 m^2 = 1.9635 x10^6 W = 1.9635 MW
Electric power produced = 0.25 * 1.9635 MW = 0.49087 MW
Since the problem identifies the wind power as long-term average, we can calculate the average energy produced in a year.
Energy (Joules) = Watts x seconds
Energy = 0.49087 MW x 31536000 s = 15.487 x10^6 MJ
But the question asked for energy measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
So, Energy = 490.87 kW * 8760 h = 4300100 kWh produced in 1 year.
Unfortunately, a real wind turbine would produce this energy in an unscheduleable manner, typically peaking when the demand (load) is lowest. That’s the challenge of wind energy.
Mandy asksā¦
How much money would an average wind turbine save on a $240 energy bill on an average $31 day month?
On average days too. Like during a warm front. Also include the price of the wind turbine, and how much time it would take to pay off the turbine completely.
admin answers:
Wind energy is not continues and hence it is not going to cut your bill drastically. Even the wind farms can built not to feed continuously to the grid but intermittently. For individuals the cost of wind turbine is going to be very expensive compared to the power bill. Good to go for one with the impact on environment but if you ar going for saving dollars then you are going to be disappointed.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work
Daniel asksā¦
Where can gold be used in wind turbines?
The main parts of a wind turbine is the blades, the rotor, the generator, the tail and the tower. But where (and how) can “gold” be used in one of these parts (or others) when the properties of gold is put into consideration?
Thank you for your answer, but if you HAVE to use gold in a wind turbine where would you use it?
admin answers:
Gold are good conductor of electricity, and sometimes it will alloy it with copper for semiconductor devices, gold are not good in turbine blades or same, because of the brittleness against high torque force, it is also not advisable in generators and rotors, they are not enough to produce magnitic force to convert it into electrical energy, it also not advisable in the construction of the tail and the tower, you need enough strength to the carry the whole weight of the wind mill, and the most number one reason is……………. It is too expensive to construct a huge wind turbine made of gold
John asksā¦
How can i do a wind generator that creat electricity for a science fair project?
Hi, my teacher told me to create a wind generator for my science fair.Its not only doing the wing generator,no, i have to make electricity with it, like i get a bulb and it had to turn on with out batteries, only with the wing thing.Can someone give me like a web page or something that could help me please. HELP!!!!!
admin answers:
I think you mean wind turbine. A wind generator would generate wind, ie, an electric fan.
Look on line, there are dozens of possibilities. Search google for “school wind turbine”. Below link is one of the results.
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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home
Thomas asksā¦
How do I make home made power?
How do I make home made electricity with solar power or a wind generator? I’ve been looking into using wind and solar energy to power my home, reduce electricity consumption and lower my carbon footprint. I’ve looked into solar hot water systems and home wind generators, but what’s the most efficient way to reduce my energy consumption?
admin answers:
Wind generators and solar panels can be expensive, and can take years before they pay for themselves. Often it uses so much CO2 to make a solar panel or wind generator that they can actually increase your carbon foot print, not reduce it. I’ve found that the best way to create home made power is from home made equipment, it’s actually surprisingly straight forward and a fraction of the cost. I used this guide: http://tinyurl.com/ljyok7 to create a simple wind generator which has seen my energy costs drastically reduced.
Sandy asksā¦
Grid tie-in Home Wind Generator, have you any knowledge of this?
I’m investigating the feasability of installing a grid tie-in home wind generator. Has anyone here installed one of these systems into their home‘s power system?
It’s my understanding that you can install a new power meter to allow for “net metering” or reversing of the numbers by the created power from the generator, thereby saving money or reducing your monthly power bill.
admin answers:
There is lots of information on the Internet. In California, you can get net metering. There are some sticking points. The tower has to be at least 60 feet tall. My neighbors would not like that at all.
It is true that you probably will not get a big enough unit to supply all your power, with a surplus.
Think twice about batteries. If one has net metering, the only value of batteries is during power outages. Batteries cost a bundle, need to be maintained, need occasional replacement, and eat up part of the power you produce. I elected not to have batteries on my photovoltaic solar system
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Syndrome
Joseph asksā¦
Isn’t it time to face the truth about wind power?
Wind turbines are very expensive to build and install, and maintenance costs are ridiculous. They kill thousands of birds and bats, are aviation hazards, and are so noisy that even the environment-minded Kennedys blocked the construction of a bunch of them on Cape Cod. They even cause a disease called Wind Turbine Syndrome in people who live nearby. Now it turns out that wind farms cause climate disruption as well. On top of that, it has been proven that “mathematically windmills are completely unsustainable” (see link below). So–shouldn’t the politicians look at the facts and stop spending our money to promote a technology that is profoundly stupid?
admin answers:
None of the above is totally factual. Bird kills? Some, but high rise office buildings kill thousands, as do pesticides, herbicides and house cats. While building wind turbines ain’t cheap, they’re far cheaper per kilowatt hour over X years of operation than coal burning plants when ALL of the costs over 5/10/15 years are considered. Maintenance as per hours of operation divided by hours under repair per unit is less than coal plants when again, all of the supply tail and disposal issues are factored in. It wasn’t the ‘Kennedy’s’ alone that were opposed to the Cape Cod project…it was everyone on that particular part of the east coast. Wind Turbine Syndrome? Try living down wind from a coal plant.
Here in the southwest we have sun AND wind almost everyday. Even on the ‘calm days’ the sun shines bright and on the few really cloudy days the wind blows at a steady clip. In the mid west you can count on a lot of wind. We’re talking about at least 1/3 of this country that could get by with only a minimum of coal or gas burning power plants. Of course that would cut a massive hole in the coal industry and the coal burning power plant companies…so of course they don’t any part of 21st. Century technology. 99% of the propaganda against solar and wind is exactly that…propaganda to save a 19th century technology from going extinct.
Lizzie asksā¦
Wind turbine syndrome? Infrasound?
Apparently those huge wind turbines can give off infrasound (sound >20 Hz) which causes a lot of things like nausea, problems sleeping, difficulty concentrating etc. What i am wondering is do they ALL give off this and if so at what distance from them is the infrasound at its prime? I would like to find out also is there a way of producing infrasound at home for the purpose of experiment to see if it has any effect (as some people are apparently more affected than others) and has anyone had any bad experiences with it?
Thanks 10 points.
admin answers:
I quote
“With regard to effects of noise from wind turbines, the main effect depends on the listener’s reaction to what they may hear. There are no direct health effects from noise at the level of noise generated by wind turbines. It has been repeatedly shown by measurements of wind turbine noise undertaken in the UK, Denmark, Germany and the USA over the past decade, and accepted by experienced noise professionals, that the levels of infrasonic noise and vibration radiated from modern, upwind configuration wind turbines are at a very low level; so low that they lie below the threshold of perception, even for those people who are particularly sensitive to such noise, and even on an actual wind turbine site.”
See link for the rest.
If your ‘source’ is anything other than the usual ‘scare mongering’ by the no-nothing morons of the gutter press, by all means counter this conclusion ..
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Wiki
Ruth asksā¦
How does a Vertical Axis Wind turbine work?
i am writing a report and i need to know how the generator on a VAWT works please thanks ~William~
admin answers:
Each vertical vane is an airfoil (airplane wing) that generates lift as air passes by it. This lift is changed into rotational torque because of the position of the vane with respect to the vertical axle.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertical_axis_wind_turbine
Laura asksā¦
How does a wind turbine work?
I need to know for a science project.
admin answers:
Yay. Science projects are a lot of fun, so I wish you luck with yours. š
A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity, the device may be called a wind generator or wind charger.
There is a ton of info on the sites that are pasted below.
the first three seemed to be most helpful.
Good Luck š
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Your Questions About Wind Generators
Paul asksā¦
What is a good web site to share my wind generator design?
I have built my own wind generator and i need some feedback on what people thing of my design. Do you know of any web sites where i can share it?
admin answers:
American Wind Energy Association
Donna asksā¦
What size wind generator do I need to replace my electricity-winter 800kwh summer 2400kwh?
I live in a very windy place and would like to consider a wind generator – I don’t know how to figure out what output I would need – my electric usage monthly varies from 800KWh in winter to 2400KWh in summer.
admin answers:
The quick answer is 2400kwh would probably need close to a 20kw generator but if you want to get an average for the year maybe 1600kwh average you might get away with 10kw.
Very windy is a relative term so you will need to look at a wind map. Go to http://www.windpoweringamerica.gov/wind_maps.asp and select your state and then find your area.
You will need to take that information and check it against a power curve for different wind turbines. This is one for a few turbines in the 10 to 20kw range. Http://www.windturbine.net/performance.htm This will give you an annual output for this brand of wind turbine. If you look at the chart the left column is the 20 and the far right is the 10 and notice how different the outputs are from just 12 to 15 mph wind speed, that is why an accurate wind speed is important.
Also I don’t know about your place but where I live we have much better winds in the winter than summer so for me average through the year is what I go by.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Jobs
Mary asksā¦
what is the better career computer business or wind technology?
i have always liked to work with computers but not alot of jobs where i live. I could go work on the wind turbines i would have to move but not far im just not sure wich one is better right now.
admin answers:
My wife during the last couple of weeks found herself without a job so she used the opportunity to hunt for a change of career. She was really stuck until she unearthed the resource in the box below which gives tips and tricks on how to choose a career. Now she is aware of where she’s going, and more importantly how to arrive.
Susan asksā¦
do you need a license to work in a wind power facility in Alberta?
I know you need a power engineer license to work in power plants, because the complex and high pressure and temperature process. But for wind turbines the process is completely different. It still requires to have a power engineer license to work in a wind power site?
admin answers:
Possibly the law requires a license for the man in charge, but likely the other employees do not need a license, but a person with a license (or other credentials) would be given preference for a job opening, all else equal. Neil
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Sale
Robert asksā¦
Which is the best DIY solar panel/wind turbine program? Real people only, please.?
I’ve been looking at all of the options for installing solar electricity systems online, and I’ve noticed that even the so-called review sites all seem to be part of a sales pitch….haven’t found a single, independent review of any of these products. Has anyone out there actually used any of these (Earth4Energy, HomemadeEnergy, etc.), and if so, how good are they?
admin answers:
If you have noticed that Earth4Energy is a scam (which it is), then you may be amused by my analysis of it at http://www.nlcpr.com/Deceptions6.html
If you want to build a wind turbine yourself (like a good engineer would), then get the following book:
Homebrew Wind Power
Dan Bartmann & Dan Fink
Foreword by Mick Sagrillo
ISBN: 978-0-9819201-0-8
Published by Buckville Publications LLC
You can get this from www.otherpower.com This is a startlingly complete book and it has all the background theory you need too. They explain why, for example, you cant use a car alternator or something from a generator, and then proceed to build alternators from scratch. The references are compete — if you explore them and have the time to read, you will be right up there with the pioneers.
As for DIY solar, you can get the parts (panels, inverters, batteries, charge controllers) individually from many sources and make a system. It will not be cheap. You can’t make your own silicon cells, and probably aren’t up to designing the electronics, can’t make your own batteries etc.
My recommendation is this: Get the wind book. Look through the web sites of some of the better looking solar dealers, and if they seem to be “no bull” then e-mail them and tell them what you want. E.g. An entry level system, 80W panel, battery, inverter and charge controller so that you can make enough power for say, a small laptop. The good ones will be able to tell you what works together.
If you are thinking of a whole home solution, then you have a lot of reading to do. You need to switch to natural gas or propane (no electric heat, electric stove, electric hot water) and absolutely mininize the electrical load.
It would be nice to market a good DIY manual, but with a truthful title like “Generate power at home for more than you are paying now” or “With thirty thousand dollars in equipment, you too can avoid those monthly power bills” sales would be pathetic.
Have fun.
As for “real people” comment, when I see questions like this, I wonder if I am wasting my time because many of the questions are not real either. They are simply created by scammers so that they can add their scam replies and rate it best answer. I find this particilary galling when someone says, “this is for my science fair, and I am 14 years old” and all the answers are Earth4Energy scammers. Other times, I find my comments pasted on fake energy sites with links to pharmaceuticals. It is a mad world out there.
Michael asksā¦
Does anybody know of any alternative energy companies that offer stock?
or where to find out.
admin answers:
GE electrifies the world by providing reliable, efficient products and services for the energy industry. We help businesses and authorities that generate, transmit or use electricity. We work in all areas of the energy industry including coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy, as well as with renewable resources such as water and wind energy.
Americas Wind Energy Corporation (AWNE.OB) manufacturing and marketing of medium sized (500 – 1,000 megawatt (MW)) wind turbines for the North American market.
Babcock & Brown Wind Partners (BBWPF.PK) An Australian based specialized investment fund focused on the wind energy generation sector
Gamesa Corp. (GCTAF.PK) 18% of the world’s share of the wind turbine market. Based in Spain.
Kore Holdings (KORH.PK) A power provider and marketer of alternative energy from wind farms, hydro and distributed power facilities.
McKenzie Bay International Ltd. (MKBY.OB) Develops wind powered alternative energy systems.
Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc. (MMGW.OB) Develops prototype wind energy production equipment.
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. (NKW.V TSX Venture Exchange) Wind energy developer in the Haida Energy Field off the coast of British Columbia since 2001.
Scottish Power plc (SPI) A leading developer and operator of renewable energy in both the UK and the US. It is one of the largest providers of wind energy in the US.
Shear Wind Inc. (SWX.V Canadian Venture Exchange )Provider of wind-generated energy in Atlantic Canada.
Sea Breeze Power Corp. (SBX.V Canadian Venture Exchange ) Developer of large-scale windfarms and underwater electricity transmission lines in British Columbia.
Tower Tech Holdings Inc. (TWRT.OB) Involved in the engineering, manufacture, and sale of wind turbine extension towers and monopiles to the wind energy industry
Vector Wind Energy Inc. (VWE.V Canadian Venture Exchange ) developer of wind energy projects in Canada.
Vestas Wind Systems (VWSYF.PK) 34% of the world’s share of the wind turbine market. Based in Denmark.
U.S. Wind Farming (USWF.PK) The federal court in Chicago entered a Final Judgment as to U.S. Wind Farming on October 20, 2006.
Western Wind Energy (WNDEF.PK) Produces clean renewable electrical energy from over 500 wind turbine generators located in Tehachapi and San Gorgonio Pass (Palm Springs), California.
Most of your stock brokers or online brokers will help you to invest. Here is a is of brokers that Yahoo came up with:
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Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay
Jenny asksā¦
How you hook up a volt/amp meter to a wind/hydro/solar generator?
I’m interested in having a combo volt/amp meter gauge set-up to monitor what my power generating source (such as hydro or solar or wind).
I would like to measure this before it reaches the charge controller. So if someone is at the generator source, they can see exactly what the generator is generating (for making tweaks).
Not quite sure how to do this.
I do have a inline watt meter that has one side that says “Source” and the other side says “LOAD” but I think it has to be hooked up in a circuit with a load.
My goal is to measure the generator by itself and not hooked up to anything. I know I can do this with voltage but not sure if this is possible for amps. I Heard I may need a shunt set-up to make this work?
Thanks in advance for your knowledge on making this work would be greatly appreciated. What I’m looking for is a wiring setup.
admin answers:
No probs, look on EBay for digital ammeters. They are cheap and some supply the shunt as well for less than a tenner.
Daniel asksā¦
Where can I find a Permanent Magnet Motor?
I am planning on building my own wind turbine on a smaller scale. I have been looking around at permanent magnet motors and would like to avoid spending the money on one off of Ebay. I’ve tried “googling” what appliances I could pull one of these out of but have had no luck. So if anyone knows of any appliances or shop machines that may have permanent magnet motors I would appreciate it.
admin answers:
Any DC motor is a permanent magnet motor. If you can get an old generator from an old vehicle (not an alternator) some motors are rated DC volts you can use these
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs
Maria asksā¦
Is a wind turbine technician a reliable career?
im looking at schools but am hesitant because i’ve been reading articles discussing wind turbines as a scam. and research that talks of wind turbines complete inefficiency. thoughts and advice?
admin answers:
Some for profit schools over estimate the number of jobs and how much they pay. But then, the number of guys who will climb a 200 ft tower with a tool belt is not that large.
Fortunately there is a demand for guys to crawl all over transformers and through switchgear, and you don’t have to climb any 200 ft towers. We pay $30 an hour.
What I could really use is more relay technicians who can create relay testing programs out of thin air.
Donna asksā¦
What is the salary for a windsmith or wind turbine technician?
I’m an experienced electrician with as background in construction, automotive manufacturing and robotics. I’m laid-off right now and thinking of a career change to the “green collar” industry. What are the job opportunities and wages in this field? Any employment leads would be very appreciated. Thank You
admin answers:
Google it or go to career builder.com
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home Use
Sandy asksā¦
Make electricity with steam at home?
This is probably a silly idea but I really like the idea of making my own electricity. I’ve thought about solar and wind but neither would really work for me. My wife & I will be building a new home in 9-10 years and I have a new idea…. We want to have one of those outdoor wood burning furnaces to heat the house. Is there such a thing as a small steam powered electric generator? If there is, maybe I could use some of the heat generated in the furnace to boil water, make steam and turn a small turbine to generate electricity. This way, I could heat my home in the winter and make my own electricity all year long just with wood. Just an idea (maybe a stupid one). If anyone has any info on this subject please share it with me. Thanx.
admin answers:
The killer here is efficiency. The efficiency of a steam turbine is only on the order of 30%. The equipment is pretty expensive too unless you go with some kind of home brew set up which can be dangerous. You would need to burn a lot of wood to make any serious amount of power. It would probably be cheaper to buy from the grid.
Chris asksā¦
How can I start a wind turbine Business and where is a good place to look for grants?
admin answers:
The energy efficiency sector will skyrocket the next few years, so good choice with that!
Wind farms are starting to pick up attention from the general populace due to the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels and their rising prices, which in turn contribute to the rising power expenses. The use of fossil fuels to generate electrical power is also unfriendly to the environment because of the pollutant nature of fossil fuels.
There are two reasons that people may want to invest in wind power. First, to save up on power expenses by relying fully or partially on wind turbines to derive electricity; Second, to become more environment friendly. No matter what the reasons may be, you can take advantage by setting up a wind power business.
A Good Location for Wind Farm Business
The first thing that you have to ask yourself when planning to engage in a wind power business is, Do I have the right place to harness the power of the wind? Household wind power systems do not need to worry about this since their power requirements are minimal, but to be able to feed houses you would need to produce a lot of electricity. The best place for this is a location where there is plenty of breeze to turn your windmills, like near the shorelines as well as high places.
You Need Windmills
Windmills or wind turbines are the driving force behind wind power systems. It is through these turbines that the wind is used to harness electricity by using the kinetic energy generated by their turning motion. The motion is initiated when wind is blowing the turbine panels. No matter if the wind blowing is a breeze or a gale, the motion will continue to harness kinetic energy and convert it into electrical energy.
Wind turbines used in a wind farm can either be commercially made or made at your own home. Buying commercially means you can get high-quality turbines, but would cost a lot to buy and install. Using home-made turbines, on the other hand, would require a bit of work by hand but are cheaper. Materials for home-made turbines can cost you only by the hundreds, while commercially made windmills may cost you thousands to acquire.
Power Lines
If you plan to invest on a wind power business, you would need to be like the big-time power distributors and install power lines from your windmills or power source to your clients. Fortunately, power distributors nowadays also buy power from independent power distributors whether they are using natural power sources or fuel fossils. As a windmill power generator, you are in line to become one of the power distributors feeding power to the local power company.
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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Boats
James asksā¦
What kind of boat do I need to go from Auckland to Fiordland?
Here is a link that shows the locations. What kind of boat do I need for this journey? I will be hiring a boat for the trip.
P.S. how much fuel does a boat usually consume? Please provide the type of engine and amount of fuel it takes for every 100km(or any other variable)
admin answers:
Sailboat won’t take any fuel at all, except for what might be required for a generator or if there’s no wind. Most sailboats will average around 8-10 knots so the trip would take a couple of days.
Betty asksā¦
How could I generate electricity in an underground bunker?
I know about solar panels and wind turbines but either will have to be above ground. Petrol or diesel generators are to loud and fuel isn’t cheap these days.
admin answers:
Rig up an auto alternator to an exercise bike running a belt off the bike wheel to the alternator, connect Ā to a couple of good 12 volt batteries (deep cycle boat batteries would be best) wired in parallel from battery to an inverter of around 500 to 750 watts this will be enough for lighting, radio, and small toaster.
Now of course you will need to set up an exercise routine for running the alternator but you will keep very fit and if their is a few you can take turns and all keep very fit!
If you could get more batteries and larger inverter you would be able to run a small kettle as it’s only on for minutes so batteries would cope.
Regards Alan
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Salary
Richard asksā¦
do i have traits of a sociopath?
i can’t settle for average. i must move on to the next bigger and better opportunity.
career wise, in 2 years i’ve went from a fry cook->skilled laborer->field technician->wind turbine technician, i’m only 20.
my salary in the past 2 years has jumped in 5,000 increments with each job i moved up to.
i am very skilled in aceing interviews. i know what they are looking for. i know what questions to ask. i know when to laugh, i know when to make the manager laugh. i can make them bend over backwards to offer me the job, but i usually play fair and won’t take a higher salary offer.
i have strange hobbies. i enjoy reading electronics, programming, and mechanical books. when i go home, i study techniques and ways i can master my job. i want to be the best.
i love strategy games. it gives me a high trying to out smart the opponent.
i don’t desire socialization. but, at work, can be the “popular” one. when offered to party or go out for drinks, i politely decline.
i have 3 girlfriends. i tell myself – i will let them prove to me how much they deserve me, but, i kind of like the suspense.
i don’t really feel emotion. i can’t love. but i can sure show it, but, i will never feel it.
admin answers:
No your kind of the opposite just sociologically Intelligent lol. Sociopaths will use the weaknesses of others for their own benefit, and look like their helping the person in the process. Having the ability is one thing but putting it to use is another.
William asksā¦
Should I attend school to be a wind tubine technician?
I have just finished 8 years in the army and really don’t have any life skills that can put me to work. I am trying to find a good paying job that allows me to use my brain and my hands. There is a school in Vancover Washington called the Northwest Renewable Energy Institute. The school is 6 months long and cost 12,000 to attend, which most of it will be paid for in full. Does anyone know about this school or does anyone know what it’s like to be a wind turbine technician. How much do they make? Any advice about this school or the industy would be helpful. Thanks in advance!!!!!
admin answers:
Well, almost any education is always a bonus, in UK salaries in wind energy sector for experienced wind turbine technicians are around $50000 per year.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators
Mandy asksā¦
Can solar panel and wind turbine generator system run continuously for 6 month or longer?
I am planning on building a solar panel and a wind turbine that run in one generator. I just want to know if the generator can run for 6 month straight or longer? Anyone with some advices I would appreciated.
admin answers:
Well unless you have daylight and wind continuously for 6 months the answer is no.
Ruth asksā¦
How to build up a small wind power generator for home?
Hi all,
I want to build u an average sized wind turbine generator (about 1 Meter each Wing Size). so that i can get electricity for my home based appliances such as TV, AC, Refrigerators, etc.
What would be the requirements.. so i need to take any statutory approvals / license to do so,, and how to give input to my main Line into the home.
thanks to all in advance
admin answers:
First thing: Is this going to be a temporary source (in case of a power cut) or a more permanent source.
Because it will be an extension to your house, you might need planning permission. You have a certain ‘amount’ you can build on without permission, so if you haven’t used it, nor has a previous owner, than you can build it with permission. You can check this by going to your council.
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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home Use For Sale
Maria asksā¦
Where can I get coupons for Seagate FreeAgent Go 500 GB USB 2 0 Portable External Hard…?
…Drive-Silver ST905003FGA2E1-RK
Where can I find a discount online for Seagate FreeAgent Go 500 GB USB 2 0 Portable External Hard Drive-Silver ST905003FGA2E1-RK
admin answers:
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Guitar Hero for Wii: $49, for the XBOX & Playstation 3: $56 Delivered – Finally! Rock out w/ James 4:22 pm
Amazon .com is offering a Guitar Hero that commands our respect: GuitarHero METALLICA, baby!!! Rock out with Lars, James, Kirk, and that guy who took over for Jason! Before long, you’ll be spontaneously growing kick-ass facial hair like James and speak in a condescending manner like Lars. (You didn’t hear that from us!!) You will be jammin’ on “Enter Sandman” like “Nothing Else Matters!” Shipping is Free, and that is worthy of throwing the goat!
Add a Comment | Expires: 03/31/2009 1:22 PM | Recent Damn Good Deal of the Day
TRENDnet TVP-SP1BK ClearSky Bluetooth VoIP Phone Kit for Skype: $ 24 .99 – Today Only 12:26 pm
During J&R ComputerWorld’s Weekend Sale, the TRENDnet TVP-SP1BK ClearSky Bluetooth VoIP Phone Kit for Skype is going for $ 24 .99. True, they did have it for about a Paper LIncoln less in thr past, it’s still a damn good deal! Use Skype features directly from the phone / Full-Speed Bluetooth Operation / Graphical LCD Display / Wireless Range: Up To 100 Meters. This deal ends tonight, and shipping is $ 6 .50.
Add a Comment | Expires: 03/30/2009 12:52 AM | Recent Peripherals
Friday March, 27th
OneCallās Weekend Sale – 20 Great Items at Great Prices All Weekend Long 10:00 pm
Checkout OneCall’s Weekend Sale going on now. (Starting at 10:00pm) They always feature around 20 items at unbeatable prices. Click on the link to shop the savings. This sale ends midnight, Sunday.
Add a Comment | Expires: 03/30/2009 5:00 AM | Recent Consumer Electronics
14K Yellow Gold Angel Aquamarine Birthstone Cameo Pendant: $ 51 .95 Delivered – Wowie! 7:19 pm
Amazon .com is offering an additional 20% discount on this 14K Yellow Gold Angel Aquamarine Birthstone Cameo Pendant for a price of $ 51 .95. The discount will automatically be taken upon checkout, and it ships for Free. Mom would love it!
Add a Comment | Recent Jewelry and Gifts
Samsung T200HD 20-inch Touch of Color LCD HDTV Widescreen Monitor $ 194 .99 FREE shipping 3:42 pm
If you are looking for a great monitor / digital tv monitor I don’t see how this one can be beat. Very easy to switch between tv and computer monitor very user friendly. Only $ 194 .99 after $50 mail-in rebate and free shipping don’t miss out on this deal from Amazon .com
Add a Comment | Recent Displays
Westinghouse 47ā 1080p LCD HDTV Tuner-Refurbished only $ 639 .99 shipping $ 49 .99 after mail in rebate 3:38 pm
If your looking for a large TV at a low price this might be your Best Bang for the Buck that is out there MacMall .com has it for $ 639 .99 shipping $ 49 .99 after mail rebate.
Add a Comment | Recent LCD, Plasma & Flat Panel TV
Vizio 26ā 720p LCD HDTV – Black Refurbished VA26L only $ 279 .99 shipping $ 5 .99 3:32 pm
Looking for a TV for your bedroom or small room & don’t want to spend over $300. This LCD TV fits the bill, Great quality for the price at MacMall .com
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Sunforce 12V 400W Wind Generator for $500 FREE shipping 3:29 pm
Have you always wanted to be like T-Bone Pickens, well here is your chance, Amazon .com is offering the Sunforce 12-volt 400-watt Wind Generator, for $ 499 .99. With free shipping, It features a maximum power up to 400 watts or 27 amps, cast aluminum construction, carbon fiber composite blades, and more.
Add a Comment | Recent Consumer Electronics
MSI Wind U120-024US Notebook $ 330 .89 FREE shipping 3:23 pm
You will love this little guy! Boots quickly, It has no problem at all connecting to your home network. All you had to do is enter the security key and you’re all hooked up! Windows XP came preloaded so all you have to do plug it in and go through the set up. Buy .com has at sweet deal on this little guy for only $ 330 .89 and they throw in free shipping!
Add a Comment | Recent Systems
Refurbished ASUS Eee PC 900 Celeron 900MHz 9ā Netbook for $180 free shipping 3:12 pm
Buy .com has a sweet deal on this ASUS Eee PC 900 4G Celeron M 900MHz 8.9″ Widescreen Netbook in Galaxy Black for only $ 179 .99. With free shipping, this is the lowest price we could find on this great little Netbook.
Add a Comment | Recent Systems
Refurbished Acer Aspire One Intel Atom 1 .6GHz 8.9ā Netbook for $ 239 .97 shipping $ 1 .99 2:58 pm
CompUSA .com offers the factory-refurbished 2 .19-lb. Acer Aspire One AOA150-1786 Intel Atom 1 .6GHz 8.9″ Widescreen Netbook in Seashell White for $ 239 .97 with $ 1 .99 for shipping. These little computers are addicting once you get one everyone else will want one of there own.
Paul asksā¦
Can a VA Loan be used for a Sheriff’s Sale property?
There has been a lot of input stating that is is next to impossible to use a VA loan on a foreclosed properties. I am looking at bidding on a cabin at a great price and I have two main concerns.
First, the home may not qualify “as is” for a standard VA Loan for “Existing Construction” but couldn’t it qualify under the VA Loan’s “Proposed or Under Construction” category as an eligible property? That way any required repairs would be identified and the cost rolled into the loan?
The second concern is that the home is not hooked into standard electric utilities. It currently has a generator and a battery bank and I would install a residential windmill. The property has been surveyed as being in a commercial grade wind zone.
I know the property well and the opeing bid is half of the construction cost not to mention the 20 acres. Thank you for your input.
The plan would be that as “Proposed Construction” the cost of the windmill or other VA required power would be included in the loan. The 10% down at auction is not a problem. With a VA loan I would recover the 10% upon full payment. I would prefer to finance the entire amount and put the 10% into other new home costs.
admin answers:
In my area, Lots of homes outside the conventional power grid have been purchased using VA guaranteed loans. So I would say there is a way to purchase using renewable energy sources you list.
As for purchasing foreclosed homes, the only problem I can fore see is if the home is going up for auction and the amount of money needed is unknown or some other unforeseeable factor. If the home has already been through the auction and the deed is clear of clouds, it should be as simple as any other VA loan.
VA loans work like this. The VA guarantees the bank they will be paid back if they loan money to you. The only time the VA actually puts up the money for a loan is in a circumstance where the Veteran can’t get a conventional loan from a bank.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbines Colorado
Laura asksā¦
Should the brightest mind in the world be focusing on solving the pollution problems?
With all the health issue’s tied to smog and the eviromental impact from smog, Shouldn’t we be making this the highest priority to fix? Many of you may not know about the seriousness of the pollution from coal burning plants and we have solutions to fix it but it is moving slow also the burning of petroleum fuels should be fazed out the sooner the better because they just can’t be made clean. All this pollution ends up in the ditches then streams then rivers and lakes and it doesn’t have to be that way. If we have the solutions then why not move on to the future and live in a cleaner world?
admin answers:
There are many very brilliant people working on many different aspects of “green” technology. Solar energy and biofuel research has been going on since the ’70s (although poorly funded from mid ’90s till recently). There is a national lab dedicated to renewable energy in Colorado (www.nrel.gov) and other national labs like Sandia and Oak Ridge also do research related to greentech.
There is also a very large new center opening at Berkeley called the “Energy Biosciences Institute” which is partially funded by BP. Contrary to the previous response, ignoring the environment is only in the short-term interests of corporations. In the long term, even they need to be concerned about the problems that have been building, and some of those with more forsight are beginning to take the lead in putting more capital behind greentech – it is in fact, a great business opportunity.
The problem is that solving these problems isn’t like a moon-shot. We can’t put tons of resources into a single program and expect it to find “the answer” to pollution. We need renewable plastics, green chemistry, improved agriculture practices, biofuels, thin-film solar, blades for wind turbines, more efficient engines/turbines, lightweight materials, redesigned transportation infrastructure, better power grids, eco-friendly architecture, AND ways to retrofit all the fancy new stuff into our current reality.
Maria asksā¦
Do you think all new build houses should have solar panels fitted?
Don’t you think it would be a good idea if the Government made it compulsory to have all new build houses fitted with solar panels? If everyone had solar panels, the price of them would come right down.
What do you think?
admin answers:
Simply, not every house will be a compatible match for solar.
Solar needs sunlight. If a roof surface is not in the correct 40 degree sun path facing magnetic south, then modifications have to be made to build up and angle panels so they do. This can cost more than the energy ever produced for the home. That is an unfair burden to add those costs to that homeowner. The ideal home will face south with a 40 degree pitch to the roof. Can you imagine every house from here forward with a plain gable roof all faced south?
In addition, trees could become an obstruction. Planting designs would have to eliminate any tree that would grow higher than roofline and shade the panel array. Passive solar methods like tree lines have been used for years to help summer cooling costs.
Geothermal systems are working very well in Colorado which suffers severe weather mood swings between hot and cold. A new energy efficient home built in the foot hills just proved its capabilities. The annual heating costs for this 2000 sq foot home was $34.00. Yes, $34.00 for the entire year. That system also heats the water used to bathe and shower in.
The cost of that system paid for itself in the first 2 years making this one of the best investments on the market. I say skip the stock market! Homes, including those in the City, can be designed with either a horizontal or vertical system.
Eastern Colorado is finding great success with small wind turbines making them more affordable than a typical solar panel array.
At this point, no, I don’t see this becoming a mandatory situation. But, the solar manufacturers have been supported and are working for grid autonomy meaning the panels should be as cost effective to install as hooking up to your local power. The solar industry knows it has to become more competitive. It’s very survival depends on it and we are already seeing drops in pricing.
Let me point out that Solar is still a good return on investment “for the right house”.
The energy efficiency approach is based on Best Practice. That means, one system like solar will not work as the solution for everyone. Building codes like plumbing and sanitary systems are because of safety and health reasons but they dont mandate this product or that product. Just that the products must be safety tested to meet certain standards. They do mandate that solar follow NFPA and NEC codes (National Fire Protection Association and National Electric Code) and be installed by a Master Electrician… Again for safety reasons. Geothermal be installed by a licensed Master HVAC and a Certified driller. For, you got it, safety reasons.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home
David asksā¦
How much power is required to power a large family home?
I am doing some research into setting up a wind turbine for my house. I see terms like ‘kW hours’ for energy or power consumption. If my house uses 1500kW hours of energy per week does this mean i need to run a 1500kW generator for 1 hour to satisfy my power needs?
How would i then go about sizing the required turbine needed to effectively power my home?
This is all new to me so i can see alot of follow up questions coming/
admin answers:
In terms of system design, you need to consider the load imposed on the supply. In your question you mentioned a figure of 1500 kWh per week. This seems very high. It represents an average of 35 amps being drawn from the supply 24/7.
I have a 4 bedroom house occupied by 2 adults and the minimum load, during the night falls to 0.8 Amps and peaks on some days to around 18 Amps for very short periods, the average through the day is about 2 Amps.
One kW represents a load on the supply of about 4 amps for 240 volt supplies and about 8 on 120 volt supplies Understanding the load that is being imposed on the supply will help you to decide the dimensions of the system you need.
For local power generation (micro generation) you can use wind or water turbines dependant upon location, and you can also use peizo electric generation (solar cells), all these are referred to as primary power. In addition to this you will need storage which is in the form of batteries.
To use the battery power you will need an inverter, which generates power at mains voltage from the low voltage batteries. Additionally you will need a regulator, which controls the charge/discharge of the batteries, and is essential for efficient battery use and economical battery life.
If your system is capable of generating power surplus to your requirements, you can sell this to your grid supplier for quite a reasonable return.
Paul asksā¦
Is it true that wind turbines can never produce enough energy in their lifespans to offset its creation?
I’ve heard on several occasions that wind turbines are not economically feasible because it takes an inordinate amount of time and money, such that it will never produce enough energy to recoup that which was lost in building the turbine. Is this true? Can anyone give me a source?
admin answers:
Hey Patrick, this concept has been around since about 1998 when it first surfaced in regard to solar panels. There was a lot of complaints that solar panels never earn back their, “Embodied Energy,” which is a phrase referring to how much energy it takes to mine raw materials, ship them to a factory, build the product, ship it to it’s destination and install it. To be honest, it is difficult to put an exact energy price on something like that, there are almost limitless variables, such as which mine was used, where it was shipped, how it is installed and used in the end, and so on. A non profit group called, Solar Energy International finally offered some grants to a few colleges to research this. In the end, they couldn’t come up with an exact timeline, but a range based on the above variables.
First of all, solar panels actually do repay their embodied energy some time between 1.5 and 6 years after they are installed. Virtually all manufacturers warranty their product to last at least 25 years, and typically they operate well beyond this time. Similar work was done later with wind turbines, and the results are very similar. The main difference being the range of payback time is wider, meaning it’s possible for a turbine to repay its embodied energy faster, like in less than a year, but it may take as long as 9 years. This is because shipping a utility sized wind turbine can take a huge bite into its embodied energy budget depending on how far it has to go. Solar panels can fit in the back seat of a good sized car, some wind turbines have specially designed hauling vehicles that might have to drive across the country, or across the street. But when you look deeper down this rabbit hole, you eventually learn that non of this matters, I’ll explain.
Electricity has been around since Thomas Edison nearly burned down his house running high amounts of current through bailing wires inside old mason jars, so it isn’t going away anytime soon. The question becomes, “What is the best way to produce it?” Let’s assume you build a 10 KW wind turbine, and put it alongside an efficient conventional power source, say a natural gas fired turbine 10 KW generator. Which will earn back its embodied energy faster? The answer is the gas generator never does. You have to remember that once you build a natural gas generator, coal plant, or any other non renewable energy based power plant, you now have to feed it fuel for the rest of it’s life. It’s conversion rate will always be something below 100%, so in the end it slowly digs itself a deeper and deeper energy hole that it can never crawl out of. At least the wind turbine has a chance to get even in it’s lifetime. This is the key to what makes renewable energy so great, it’s really the difference between buying a home and renting an apartment, one day the home will be paid off, the apartment never is.
We live in a home that is powered by the wind and sun today. About 12 years ago we started looking into solar and wind when our electricity was constantly going out. It began as a small backup plan, just to run a few lights and some electronics. Over time it became more of a hobby and lifestyle, like growing your own tomatoes instead of buying them at the store, we just grew electrons in our garden. Now our home generates over 90% of its own electricity, and we use the power company as our backup source. Even though it will take years to get even with the power bill, it’s worth it to us, and we’ve turned a lot of heads. Once each year now I am invited to the local schools to teach solar power to the 5th graders, then they run a field trip out to our house to see a working solar and wind powered home. Since then the power companies have been busy building wind farms and looking into solar, geothermal and biomass energy. They even have a methane plant alongside a landfill in the next county. Most people are not aware of these things, but they are happening. They are busy complaining about wind mills never earning back their manufacturing energy, solar being too expensive, or hybrid cars not really saving and gas. There is research on these subjects, and it’s available for the asking if you look for it online. My suggestion is you look into it and become better informed insteading of asking hacks like me online for advice. I’ll include some sources below. Hope this answers your question. Good luck Patrick, and take care, Rudydoo
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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Sale
Mary asksā¦
How can I create high voltages at home?
Say in the range of about 5K volts?? What is the equipment required?
admin answers:
A generator? For real?
You don’t need a generator. You need a transformer. You need to know how much voltage you’ll be supplying it with, and you already know what voltage you need coming out of it. Transformers work on simple ratios. You have two sets of wire wound around each other. The magnetic field of the supply windings induce a voltage on to the secondary wires producing your 5000 volts. Florescent ballasts are transformers and you may find a specific one that produces that voltage. Http://www.dencosales.com/files/Download/Allanson%20EK%20Product%20Dimensions.pdf
This is a pdf from denco sales that fits your output voltage, but only at 30mA.
Best of Luck,and Be careful! Amperage may kill But voltage hurts!
Helen asksā¦
What are 25 ways to protect my family and home from a torrential storm?
Detailed List please.
admin answers:
1) move *the act of packing and moving to a different location. If not possible, continue.
2) depending on your budget, some major re-modeling is in order.
3) install additional braces to your roof trusses.
4) Glue your roof…
(a)During a hurricane, the wind may almost seem to be ripping the roof off your home. So give your roof a bit of reinforcement. With some glue, you can increase your roof’s resistance to wind.
The Federal Alliance for Safe Home recommends you go to your local home improvement store and get premium flooring adhesive. Using a caulking gun, put a small bead of glue to the underside of your roof where the roof and the support beams meet. Be sure to look for an adhesive that has been tested and has a strong rating like APA AFG-01 ASTM D 3498.
5) insure your storm gutters are draining rain ample distance, peferably down hill from your home.
6) insure your storm gutters are free from leaves and other foreign debris.
7) waterproof your basement. You can do it yourself by consulting a sales associate at your local home improvement store. Or you can hire an outside company. Again, depends on your budget.
8) ensure your home is fall distance away from large trees or poles. Trees you can use a chain saw yourself and cut it to fall away from your house. Poles are more tricky to remove. You need to write your congress person and tell them that the utility pole on your property is causing cancer to your child. Then you need to adopt a girl and shave “most” of her hair off… Then get the news to have a heartfelt story on you and your plight. Then, the pole is moved…
9)Back up generators for emergency power. Generators are cheap and run on gas. You can get a decent one at your local home improvement store.
10)Vacuum sealer and large bags. Seal blankets and pillows and the like into these bags. You should vacuum seal the blankets as to keep spiders, mice and other “pests” out.
11) Large bags for your vacuum sealer.
12) sleeping bags for your vacuum sealer
13) invest in a sump pump incase the water comes into your basement.
14) replace your old windows. Newer windows come with an “act of god” warranty.
15) think about installing “impact resistant windows”
16) invest in a flash light that doesn’t require batteries (the one you shake “as seen on T.V.”)
17) invest in a radio that works on gyroscope
18) check the weight on your garage door. Many use the lightest material to save them and ultimately you costs.
19) have tarp handy for if when a hole is blown in your roof, you can patch it up when the eye of the storm is over you.
20) register for the next CCW class (carry concealed weapon). Check state and local laws…
21) practice at a shooting range after obtaining your CCW Permit. You never know when Martial Law will take over….
22) register for CPR courses. It may come in handy…
(a) If you have furniture and other outdoor equipment on your patio or deck, bring them inside when strong weather threatens. Don’t forget trash cans, grills, toys, and potted plants. Keep them from becoming flying objects that can cause additional injury or damage during storms with high winds.
“You would be very surprised about what people don’t think about,” says Chapman-Henderson. “We saw garden gnomes wedged into palm trees. We saw an old record sliced into a tree. We saw sailboats in the tops of trees after Hurricane Andrew,” she said.
24) purchase blow up inner rafts, innertubes ect. Ect (and an air pump) You never know when you will need to float to the nearest shelter after a major storm.
25) go to www.myspace.com/therukiz
“Your next door neighbor Warpath the Battle AXE”
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost
Lizzie asksā¦
What’s your response to a wind turbine company marketing only in blue states?
Madison-Green Technologies, a startup firm in upstate, New York is currently working on something called the “Model 10” wind turbine, a device which is designed to be a low cost point of access for those who wish to get started with alternative energy. The wind turbine kits, which cost under $1000 are designed to produce 130 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month when placed in an area with exposure to a 10 mph prevailing wind. 130 kilowatt-hours is roughly 10% of the average American consumers electricity usage per month, and is closer to 20% of the average users tally in Northeastern states where air-conditioning usage is lower and many homes use heating-oil or natural gas furnaces.
In an interesting twist, the company founders are using the 2012 electoral map to focus their marketing efforts, and will focus on those states where President Obama won by the largest margin. “We know that just because we’re a green technology company that FOX News and Newsmax will do everything they can to convince conservatives that we’re evil incarnate,” said one company founder. If someone lives in a Red state and they want to purchase one of our units via our website they can but we aren’t going to waste our time developing any storefronts or looking for partnerships with contractors to install the units in any of the states where Romney won,” he continued.
What’s your response to green energy company like Madison-Green Technologies using the 2012 electoral map to focus their marketing efforts?
Alan, they said people can still purchase the units and they’ll ship to a red state, but people in those states are on their own from that point. They have to install it themselves or find their own contractor to do the work.
admin answers:
I don’t know if it’s such a smart marketing plan. Wouldn’t it make more sense to develop storefronts and partnerships in those areas of the country with exposure to a 10 MPH or greater prevailing wind? I think the pitch should differ in red and blue states, however. In a blue state saving money on your energy bill WHILE reducing carbon emissions that cause climate change AND putting contractors to work, which pumps money into the local economy, is a pitch that makes sense especially if there is also a local bank willing to provide affordable financing. In a red state you simply want to point out the cost savings, ease of financing and collateral benefits to the local economy.
That’s my response.
Out of Afghanistan in 2013!
Mary asksā¦
How much do wind turbines cost?
roughly how much do the huge wind turbines cost that are put on wind farms? thanks š
admin answers:
A small turbine can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $22,000 installed, depending upon size.
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