Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

Carol asks…

Is it safe to stay home in Connecticut when Hurricane Irene is approaching?

I live in Southern Connecticut and I’m really scared about this hurricane irene. Is it safe for me to stay at home where i live? I’m very concerned and just need to know before it comes our way. Thank you!

admin answers:

Oh you northerners 🙂
I’m from NC, so listen up. Unless you are on the coast, you won’t need to worry. Just be prepared if your area is forcasted to be in a flooding zone. By the time it gets up there the winds are supposed to be mostly tropical storm force, so don’t worry about that unless you have large trees on your property. You should have a few things though:
-enough bottled water supply for a few days
-first aid kit
-flash lights
-batteries, lots and lots of batteries
-weather radio in the event the power gets knocked out
-possibly a generator if you really want power in your home
-non-refrigerated food
-and also have supplies in the event that you need to clean up your property afterwards (chainsaws, brooms, leaf blowers, etc)

I’m supposed to get hit tonight/tomorrow so I’ll be having fun. Good luck!

Ken asks…

What are best wind and solar powered generators?

This would be for a residential area and need to comply to fire and other safety regulations. I want to generate electric power for home and electric vehicles.

admin answers:

You’re asking a difficult question only because the technology is improving each month. What is the best today probably won’t be the best next year. For wind power you will need a wind availibility survey describing the average wind conditions throughout the year for your locality. Every homesite is a bit different. To establish a cost/benefit analysis your first have to know how much wind energy is available.

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