Wind Turbines
Your Questions About Wind Generators
Susan asks…
Can anyone tell me where I can find plans for a home wind generator?
More of a side project than a savings thing. I’m looking for free plans on building a small scale wind generator
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Thomas asks…
Please can I connect a 24volt DC wind generator to 12volt batteries?
Please can I connect a 24volt DC wind generator to 12volt batteries?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers
Betty asks…
How expensive is it to install a windmill at a private home?
I am lucky enough to live in a small town with no zoning laws and an over-abundance of wind. The local chamber of commerce has a windmill to power their building and some other property owners have them as well (they even sell back their electricity to the power company). Obviously I would need a professional to set it up, but does anyone know how costly it is?
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Lisa asks…
cost to install wind turbine and who installs it?
Can anyone tell me who do i have to contact if i need to install a wind turbien on my house? or i got to it myself? how much would it cost me or what is the average cost for that?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work
Helen asks…
What is the most durable and quality BRAND of wind turbines?
Most brands of wind turbines are named after their manufacturers. What brand do you think is the most durable among them all?
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James asks…
How can we get 60 Hz from wind turbine which moves slowly ?
Hi guys .. i’ve been wondering for a long time about how can we get 60 hz or 3600 rpm from wind turbine which moves slowly and gives only about less than 3 hz per second !
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Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use
Lizzie asks…
Is there a way that a wind mill can generate enough electricity to turn the lights on in a house?
I am writing an essay for school and it has to be on everyday life and how you can use alternative fossil fuels to do the same things. So if they are other things you can think of that i can use (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, etc), to put in my essay that would be extremely helpful. Thanks!
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Steven asks…
Is there anyway to conduct eletrical energy with tin foil and the Sun?
I’m making a small scale home powered by an energy source. I’m thinking to use solar energy with simple household found items if it’s possible. If there is any other way to power my small home like this please let me know.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost
Maria asks…
How much does it cost to make electricity?
How much does it cost to build a wind turbine
How much does it cost to power a wind turbine
How much does it cost to build a Coal plant
How much does it cost to power a Coal plant
How much does it cost to build a gas station
How much does it cost to power a gas station
How much does it cost to build a Solar power
How much does it cost to power a Solar power
How much does it cost to build a oil plant
How much does it cost to power a oil plant
Please help as i am stuck on my science project
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Charles asks…
How much on average does one wind turbine cost?
By how much does the economic benefits outweigh the cost?
How long will it take for the benefits to outweigh the cost of building it?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types
Susan asks…
What if I wanted to buy a wind turbine?
If I bought a 400w wind turbine how much would that off set my electric bills? I live in a high wind area, say I have 20-30mph winds once a week with 13-17mph 3 times a week. I watch TV, the computer, and use the water pump, fridge and stove regularly.
If some one could throw out a math problem I could solve it. There is limited information on the subject.
Thank you
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Steven asks…
I want to write a research paper on renewable energy pertaining to solar and wind?
Do you have any ideas on what I could use for a thesis? I want to write something about how if people used solar and wind power, how much of a positive impact it could have on the earth. Any ideas?
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Your Questions About Wind Generators
Mark asks…
I’m thinking of buying a 500 watt wind generator to add to my solar system (I live in Spain) views please.
I have 640ha of battery storage and 4 x 75 watt solar panels to a 24 volt system, I have heard that the smaller wind generators are a waste of money.
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Steven asks…
Why can’t all houses have a small wind generator to feed back electricity into the grid .?
Small wind generators are no more unsightly than T.V. aerials on the roof and think of the amount of electriciy which could be produced and fed into the grid.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs
Maria asks…
what after wind turbine experience?
Hi guys,
Basically I am software engineer. and somehow I got a job in wind turbine industry. I have been with these industry since last 2 years as a wind turbine technician. now I want to settle down at one place rather then this travelling job. so can anyone suggest in what field I can use my computer science study and my wind turbine techinican
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Joseph asks…
Is it good to stay out of this?
I was looking into becoming a wind turbine technican, but alot of people online say dont do it. With politics today and what not, its a bad idea. Plus i hear wind energy will decline. And it looks like its hard to move up and get specfic job titles. I dont want to be a technican all my life making around 50k, I would eventually like to become a supervisor or something like that. Opinions?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home Use
Michael asks…
Equipping Home with Wind Generated Power How to Begin?
I am considering equipping a home in West Texas (11 acres of land, plenty of room) with wind powered generators in order to provide electricity to the property. Where does one begin? Can windmills generate enough power to run the home, how is the A/C tied into the home and the feed fro the power company? Any thoughts? Thanks.
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Robert asks…
How would you go about estimating demand for wind power?
I need help with finding a few articles that are credit able on how to go about estimating demand for wind power. Anyone help please?
Or if anyone knows how to? that would be great too!!! Thank you!!!
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Your Questions About Wind Generators Cost
Mark asks…
How large of a wind generator do I need to power my house?
During the summer I use 1300-1500 kwh a month and in the winter it goes down to 5-6.. Kwh a month.
I want to be able to power my house or at least knock my electric bill down quite alot for the summer and almost completely erase it in the winter
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Jenny asks…
How much electricity does a big wind generator create?
and is there a website that sells them and what would one cost
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Jobs
Sharon asks…
How do humans affect wind – wind turbines ?
So i have a few questions.
1. How do we human affect wind
or wind turbine power?
what can we do to make sure its sustainability?
thank you very much
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James asks…
How convert enegy from a turbine to a battery?
I’m building a water turbine that would gernerate electricity that would be stored in a battery. How would i convert the kinetyic energy from the turbine to electrical eneergy that can be stored in the battery?
What kind of device can i use for this?
A friedn suggested an alternator, would that work?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Wiki
Laura asks…
How is electricity produced?
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Mark asks…
What is the energy efficiency of wind?
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Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use
David asks…
How could renewable energy sources be used to meet a household’s needs?
Consider the following issues:
What renewable sources of energy are available?
Which sources could be used to supply a household’s needs? How could each source be used?
Where would the home have to be located to use each source?
What equipment would be needed? Where would this equipment be located?
What backup systems should be included?
For all you smart people out there, please answer all of these questions!
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James asks…
How exactly does charging a Chevy Volt work?
When you’re not traveling far away from home, are you supposed to charge it at home, or at a station? How many times a month is it supposed to be charged? If you charge it at home, how does it impact your power bill? Is the higher cost of the power bill offset by the savings in gas you don’t have to buy anymore? If you charge it at a station, how much does that cost?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs
Paul asks…
What Kind of Money does a Wind turbine technician make?
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Michael asks…
Quistion for anyone in the wind industry.?
I will be graduating from a wind turbine technician training program in may 2013. Do you believe there will be a lot of job openings than? What should I expect for an average starting wage? And what do you think about going into the cell tower industry instead? Thankyou!
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work
Ruth asks…
Are there any reasons why a larger number of blades would be more efficient ona wind turbine rather than less?
For science, we did an experiment to determine whether 3, 5 or 7 blades were more efficient on a wind turbine. Our results showed that seven blades produced a higher voltage, and three the least.However, now we ahve to find theoretical background which would support this, and everything I find on theinternet says three is better than more. does anyone know any benefits of having more blades?
Thank you.
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David asks…
What motor should I use for a DIY Mini Wind Turbine?
I read that stepper motors from old tape drives or dot-matrix printers are low rpm and good for making wind turbines, but I can’t find either of those for the life of me. Are there any other common household items that would have a suitable motor to use as a wind power generator?
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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home
Mary asks…
Where can I find more information about self sufficient homes or independent homes?
I would like to build a house that can run all by itself. I just don’t know where to begin the research to determine what things to put in. I looked up solar panels and they don’t put out enough to be the only source of energy. Can you have wind generators for one person? or can only the government get them? Cost really isn’t a question since this is just a dream home.
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Laura asks…
What creates more friction? Gears and chain or belt and pully?
I am making a home made wind generator for a school project. I am using a car alternator( yes i know its not 100% power efficient. but im keeping cost down). I need to know how to make a good blade to generator ratio and keep the friction down. I have heard rumors or people using old 10 speed gears and chain. or should i use belts and pulleys? what would create the least friction? Yes i plan to use sealed bearings also.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers
Daniel asks…
Is there a formula for determining the amount of energy produced via a windmill?
I would like to know how wind velocity and the size, weight and composition of the blades determine the amount of energy produced. I have no background in physics or engineering, so I would appreciate and assistance or guidance with respect to wind power generation. Thanks.
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Linda asks…
If i make a windmill/turbine what tax rebates am i entitled to?
I am making a windmill/turbine and would like to know what tax rebates i might be able to get?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators
Sandy asks…
How much CO2 does a wind turbine require and use during manufacture, assembly and throughout its service life?
Has a study been done to determine the CO2 costs to the environment of producing and servicing these turbines? It is a fact that they are unreliable generators of power as policy makers must build in traditional energy production redundancy so that families stay warm when the wind stops on a cold night.How much CO2 does a wind turbine use during manufacture, assembly and its service life?
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James asks…
Is there a company that makes and sells wind turbines coupled with a hydrogen generator preferably in Europe?
I am trying to find out if there is a system (for sale) that delivers electricity from a wind turbine, and when there is no electric consumption another device creates hydrogen (through electrolysis). The hydrogen is stored and used later on for periods when there is not enough wind… The extra extra electricity can be “dumped” in the national grid after the tank is full. The system is for 2 3 houses max, there is enough space, and the area is suitable for wind turbines. Thanks.
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Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay
Donna asks…
Is a 1.5 CHP Treadmill Motor good for a wind turbine?
And also would you happen to know what CHP stands for??? C Horse Power.
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Linda asks…
Wind Turbine Roof Mounting?
Im getting to small wind turbines there theese
I want to attach them to my roof useing a mount i would build that basicly would be a flat base with a pole welded to it and the base wouldbe screwed tom the roof with heavy sized screws would this work?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician
Donald asks…
Careers?? help me out?
I want a hands on job where I can have fun and grow and maybe outdoors?… most important is a good outlook. I would like to make 40,000-60,000. Some things I have been looking at are Electrician, Machinist, wind turbine technician, elevator technician … if anyone knows any jobs or info, I would know love too know?
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Joseph asks…
question about food stamps?
My husband and I live in Texas and are commonlaw married. We are both going to college and have a 2 year old son. When we first applied for food stamps in September of this year, my husband was 2 days away from starting his job. Our case-worker said just to send the documents about his job and he would be added to the case. We did and he was added in October, and we received benefits for all three of us. Then, in Novmeber, our benefits were reduced. I found out that my husband was removed from our case. I finally got him added back to our case and the Supervisor informed me that by including his income, it would actually reduce our benefit amount. His gross income is no more than $1200 per month, and our rent is equal to half of our monthly income. The only thing that I can think of is that they are using his income to disqualify him, but not counting it toward the 3 person household limit, which we are well under. With food stamps, we are able to survive until we both finish college which will be in 8-12 months. Does anyone have any insight on this, about what could be going on and what we could do, because without food stamps, we cannot survive until we both finish college. I am working on my HIM degree and he is becoming a Wind Turbine Technician, so once we both finish school, we will easily be able to provide for our son, but we actually need this help now while we are trying to better our lives and future for our son. I am just baffled and don’t know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I know that I am eligible because I am in college (my case-worker told me this), but only one person in the household can be eligible because they are in college. My husband works and my case-worker told us in September that he would be eligible because he is working, and now he has been disqualified, and nothing else has happened. Thanks in Advance!!
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