Your Questions About Wind Turbines Oklahoma

John asks…

do windmills use electricity? i thought they provided electricity. we have plenty of wind in oklahoma!?

admin answers:

Wind turbines actually do consume in their normal operation. The turbines have complex control systems which control blade pitch, sensors, metering, etc, all of which consume power.

When the turbines are up and running in optimal conditions, they will produce more electricity than they consume. However, in low wind or no wind, they can be consuming more electricity than they produce.

You can think about it the same way as a normal power plant. The plant building has lights, controls, pumps, fans, etc. All of which consume electricity. When the plant is running, the building will be supplied by the plants generators, but if the plant is shutdown, the building still consumes electricity and must get that electricity from the power grid.

Donna asks…

Don’t find it ironic conservation?

Don’t you find it ironic that places with the most unique fauna, had bad conservation efforts and there animals are endagner. For instance china has unique faunayet have only 10% of land remains and that is fragmented, a lot of it species are either endagner or extinct in wild ( south china tiger, giant panda) and India 2 home to half worlds tiger yet there conservation efforts suck. There barely any land left and tiger population has declined 95% in the last 100 years same goes for the rhinos in asia. There barely a 1000 and that was a decline of 99% in as little as 200 years.The only thing they did do right is making the asatic lion population go up. Oh lord and don’t even bring up Africa. There rhino population is bad. BUT not as bad as India. At least they got the space to boast up the species populations. What do you think

admin answers:

The USA has a lot of unique species that the general population is extremely apathetic towards. In the prairie, the Lesser Prairie Chicken. Iowa has maybe 1% of its wetlands and 1% of its native prairie left intact, and it is fragmented and scattered all across the state. People tend to only care about charismatic megafauna.

I agree that there are some major conservation problems around the world. In poor countries, it is largely due to poaching. However, it’s unfair to point a finger squarely at them and deride them for not caring and being destructive. We build suburbs, we drain rivers because we have to water our lawns, etc and so forth. It’s completely under the radar here. There is a river in Oklahoma (The Blue River) that is being heavily pursued by OKCity and TX for water rights. It is truly a gem, a clear, aquifer-fed stream in the middle of an area with house-sized boulders that are 1.4 BILLION years old. Every other river in this area is muddy and a complete contrast.

How can people not stop this? How can people not protect this river that has darters and other beautiful fish? They don’t even know about it. People get so caught up counting carbon and putting wind turbines where they shouldn’t be that they are blind to the issues right under their nose. Don’t get me wrong, carbon-counters and other green folk have their heart in the right place, but the true irony is that there is an environmental catastrophe every other day in their own backyards.

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