Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home

Helen asks…

Is wind power generator at home really work ?

I heard about wind power generator and I want to make a wind power generator to power things in my house. Although I am not sure where to find good information. I want to save money. Is there any reliable information on how to make wind power generator at home?

admin answers:

I made mine wind power generator and its saving me some good money 🙂 I use it to power various things inside and outside my house. I found the best source of info for this at:

Good luck 🙂

James asks…

How do I make my own wind power generators?

I want to make my own wind power generator at home because I want to use it to power my laptop and a small portable TV. How do I go about building wind power generators?

admin answers:

I make my 2 wind power generators at home and you will need
a generator, blades battery and inverter.

I use them to power my lighting along my balcony.

Actually I got the infomation from Thats where I got my blade designs from and learnt how to wire it up.. Its saving me some good money 🙂

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