Your Questions About Wind Turbines Oklahoma
Robert asks…
Turbines or ridge line vents when you have a smaller home?
I’ve asked a lot of questions about this and I do apologize, but I had a roofing company guy say that in my state, Oklahoma, where it’s so hot having turbines (whirlibirds) is better than ridge vents because our wind makes the turbines really work and get the heat out, and also the fact that my ridge line isn’t that long (?).
I hope that makes sense?
My house is only 1200 sq feet and I have soffit vents and all the other companies just put ridge line vents (2) in my estimate, but this one guy said he liked turbines better.
Just wanted to get opinions.
admin answers:
In your part of the country ridge vents should be adequate. Do be sure the insulation is pulled back so that your soffit vents are uncovered. Turbines are one more hole in your roof and moving parts that can wear out. If you’re getting shingles be sure they are the architectural type and not the old three tab design. They will stick to the roof much better when the Oklahoma winds are howling.
Daniel asks…
At what point will farmers convert grass lands to….?
I was driving threw Oklahoma and Texas (on I-40) last week and thought… “Hmm, this is a pretty barren place… nothing but cattle and grass and the occasional wind mill… why not farm the sun”. And seriously? Why not throw up a couple acres of solar panels with a power meter that lets you sell it back to the power companies? Do you think this may be a future cash crop?
I’m only halfway serious But seriously, what are your ideas for our future energy needs?
admin answers:
You are actually on to something. Those long, sweeping plains are also good potential locations for wind turbines. In fact, I once heard someone say that the Dakotas are basically “the Saudi Arabia of wind power”.
To answer your question, these things (solar, wind, etc) will happen when it becomes economically feasible to do so. With oil going up and up and up, that day may not be so far down the road.
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