Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types

Betty asks…

what type of machine can be used for my home made wind turbine?

hi am doing myself a wind turbine i don no what type of machine can be used to charge my battery of 12volt and 50 ah…please suggest me some ideas of what type of motor or a generator or alternator can be used and also what specification can be used to generate my required power of 600 watts..
kindly tell me some suggestion for making my wind turbine a successful one…

admin answers:

An automobile alternator will generate about 700 watts if spinning at the proper speed. You may need a belt drive to get to that speed.


Mandy asks…

How can i make a wind mill or a wind turbine for science project?

Hi! my teaher told me to do a science project about energy, i want to do a wind mill or a wind turbine wich generates electricity and it can turn on the light. how can i make it? what do i need?


admin answers:

A traditional windmill is the easiest to build – that is pretty flat blades mounted in a vertical circle with a tail piece to aim it into the wind. The shaped blades of a propellor type wind generator are much harder to make as are the mixer shaped blades of a vertical windmill.
The big problem of making a model of a standard windwill is getting the power out. The shaft the blade turns on must have a crank or gears that line up with the center of rotation of the head, so the blade axle must have a bearing on either side of the crank or gear head – in a small model, getting these bearings mounted, etc., gets more tricky than in a bigger device.
If pumping is done with a crank, there must be counterweights so the windmill is only lifting water and not the weight of the shaft. If gearing is used, the tail must be bigger to offset the torque from the load (otherwise the spinning of the blades will rotate the head around the gears.
The second reference in particular will give you good data.

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