Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Daniel asks…

What items have a motor that is good for a wind turbine generator?

I work at a place where people drop off stuff for free, and I salvage what I can and sell the items for just enough to pay for the electricity bill. I was wondering what kind of items that would normally be no good would have a motor in it that would be good for a wind turbine. As a company that pushes for going green, I think having green energy, by making wind turbines, would be great for this small company.

I’ve read that treadmills have good ones, and older computers. What other things would have them?

admin answers:

Air conditioners….you can watch a video on that shows this.

Nancy asks…

Why does my wind turbine generator pulse instead of spinning smoothly?

I have (2) wind generators on a caye and they spin and then stall. It seems to hit velocity and then pauses/stalls every 15 seconds. One it’s annoying and two it probably is not producing the max output DC current, too.

admin answers:

Perhaps the two wind turbines are too close to each other and some sort of resonance is occurring? We don’t understand caye/ can you use a different word and more details? You can check for resonance by preventing one propeller from turning, then the other, but not both at the same time. If this stops the pulsing; resonance is likely.
Another possibility is the battery is supplying electricity to the generator causing it to run as a motor, part of the time.
The battery may be drawing excessive (or not enough) current from the generator so that your charge controllers are producing the 15 second cycle. Do you have separate batteries (and separate charge controllers) for each wind generator? Try supplying the poorest battery with several amps from a battery charger connected to your electric utility. Neil
Does the pulsing stop when you draw several amps from a battery?

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