Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Sandy asks…

How much CO2 does a wind turbine require and use during manufacture, assembly and throughout its service life?

Has a study been done to determine the CO2 costs to the environment of producing and servicing these turbines? It is a fact that they are unreliable generators of power as policy makers must build in traditional energy production redundancy so that families stay warm when the wind stops on a cold night.How much CO2 does a wind turbine use during manufacture, assembly and its service life?

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James asks…

Is there a company that makes and sells wind turbines coupled with a hydrogen generator preferably in Europe?

I am trying to find out if there is a system (for sale) that delivers electricity from a wind turbine, and when there is no electric consumption another device creates hydrogen (through electrolysis). The hydrogen is stored and used later on for periods when there is not enough wind… The extra extra electricity can be “dumped” in the national grid after the tank is full. The system is for 2 3 houses max, there is enough space, and the area is suitable for wind turbines. Thanks.

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