Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost
Lizzie asks…
What’s your response to a wind turbine company marketing only in blue states?
Madison-Green Technologies, a startup firm in upstate, New York is currently working on something called the “Model 10” wind turbine, a device which is designed to be a low cost point of access for those who wish to get started with alternative energy. The wind turbine kits, which cost under $1000 are designed to produce 130 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month when placed in an area with exposure to a 10 mph prevailing wind. 130 kilowatt-hours is roughly 10% of the average American consumers electricity usage per month, and is closer to 20% of the average users tally in Northeastern states where air-conditioning usage is lower and many homes use heating-oil or natural gas furnaces.
In an interesting twist, the company founders are using the 2012 electoral map to focus their marketing efforts, and will focus on those states where President Obama won by the largest margin. “We know that just because we’re a green technology company that FOX News and Newsmax will do everything they can to convince conservatives that we’re evil incarnate,” said one company founder. If someone lives in a Red state and they want to purchase one of our units via our website they can but we aren’t going to waste our time developing any storefronts or looking for partnerships with contractors to install the units in any of the states where Romney won,” he continued.
What’s your response to green energy company like Madison-Green Technologies using the 2012 electoral map to focus their marketing efforts?
Alan, they said people can still purchase the units and they’ll ship to a red state, but people in those states are on their own from that point. They have to install it themselves or find their own contractor to do the work.
admin answers:
I don’t know if it’s such a smart marketing plan. Wouldn’t it make more sense to develop storefronts and partnerships in those areas of the country with exposure to a 10 MPH or greater prevailing wind? I think the pitch should differ in red and blue states, however. In a blue state saving money on your energy bill WHILE reducing carbon emissions that cause climate change AND putting contractors to work, which pumps money into the local economy, is a pitch that makes sense especially if there is also a local bank willing to provide affordable financing. In a red state you simply want to point out the cost savings, ease of financing and collateral benefits to the local economy.
That’s my response.
Out of Afghanistan in 2013!
Mary asks…
How much do wind turbines cost?
roughly how much do the huge wind turbines cost that are put on wind farms? thanks
admin answers:
A small turbine can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $22,000 installed, depending upon size.
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