Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost

Steven asks…

What does the wind turbine do in Farmville?

The wind turbine costs 1,500,000 and I need 45 neighbours…so I can’t buy it yet, what does it do?

admin answers:

It makes you realise you need to get a life.

Donald asks…

How much does a GE wind turbine cost. Is the cost of the tower included?

Wind turbine 1.5 megawatts to 3.6 megawatts.

admin answers:

A 5-Turbine wind farm in NJ cost 12.5 million dollars and supplies approximately 2500 homes. A 1.5 MW turbine can supply about 500 homes.

So, about 2.5 million dollars per turbine.

It would seem that it takes about 10-12 years for a 1.5 MW turbine to pay for itself, assuming a 500 dollar/year electricity bill.

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