Your Questions About Wind Generators For Boats

Sandy asks…

How has Biodiesel affected you or your truck?

I am seriously considering using a b20-b99 blend for a 10 year old Ford F-350 powerstroke truck. If anybody has had problems with this in a stock engine please let me know. Thank you!

admin answers:

I still think that people are so ignorant when it comes to electric
cars they only think of one way to make them run and that’s batteries.
Its like you lost your mind and have no innovated ability to think of
more than one source of power. Every year people spend millions of
dollars to go to the gym they hop on bikes and treadmills and
ellipticals and pedal away for hours and then pay their gym for it.
Then they hop in their car and pay gas to ride home. The answer was
right in front of your face when you watched the Flintstones as a kid.
Do remember the car on the Flintstones. Hmm, not so stupid now is it?
Do remember how boats got across the ocean? Have you ever held your
hand outside the window and felt the power of the wind resistance
against your hand? The faster you went the more force you felt
pushing against your hand right. Have you noticed that the quality of
solar powered panel technology has increased tremendously in the last
twenty years. The quality of of generators and electric engines is
also there. Our government has manged to keep all of this from you
because they believe you are all ignorant and set in your ways. They
could make cars that run with out wheels but our government would
never allow it to be mass produced. If you had the means to build a
car that had electric generators that produced electricity via wind
power, Human power “recumbent bike pedals”, Solar power and maybe some
lithium batteries you would have a car that would go thousands of
miles without ever needing to be charged or fueled.
But will this ever be allowed. Its amazing that china and japan have
magnetic trains that never touch the track they actually float be we
never use that technology. Its no wonder they do not put any emphasis
on science. They want us to remain ignorant and in the dark. They want
you to keep forking all the billions of dollars in tax revenue. They
want the price of fuel to sky rocket because most of them own the
stock. The only way to overcome the greed is to take matters into our
own hands and break the grip of Fuel mongrels from ourselves by building
our own fuel free cars. I just showed you the way. Now all you have
to do is ” Just Do It!”
My method overcomes the perpetual energy law crap because you get extra energy, Via Human power and solar power! The sun is the source of unlimited free power and so what if you have to pedal your car for it to go long distances. I just saved you from getting fat as hell.
My brain!

James asks…

Where does the power for driving a plane come from after engines stop working.?

After engines stop working, the plane can glide. It still needs to be controlled. What is the power source for the controls.

admin answers:

I work primarily on Boeing products, so my answer is from that perspective.

Short answer: GTCP331

Commercial aircraft use an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) that provides electrical power and pneumatic pressure. The electrical power can then be used to run the electrical pumps (ACMPs)to pressurize the hydraulic system.

There are also Ram Air Turbines (RATs) that deploy directly into the air stream. This “RAT” looks like a trolling motor you would see on a boat, the wind spins the propellers and generates hydraulic pressure. If you have pneumatics, you can use the Air Driven Pump (ADP) to get hydraulic pressure. If you have hydraulics, but no electric, you can use the Hydraulic Motor Generator (HMG) to get electrical power.

There are backup systems all over aircraft these days. Most of which are activated automatically in the event of a failure of another system. The crew may only get an annunciator light to inform them that a backup system has been activated. No further action necessary.

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