wind power

Wind Power Home

For hundreds of years, communities have used wind mill power to meet their energy needs. From the simple vertical axle windmills of ancient Persia to the modern electricity generators of contemporary communities, the use of wind mills is evolving. Wind turbines are a modern design of the wind mill. With the rise of environmental awareness and use of wind power to meet energy demands, residential areas are beginning to bring the wind power home and are seeing more and more wind turbines.. The rising cost of energy is paving the way for the use of wind power residentially.

The first use of wind mill power dates to early writings of the seventh century, though the date of the anecdote is debatable. Nonetheless, the earliest wind mills used six to twelve sails of reed or cloth material. The power was used to grind corn or pump water. By the twelfth century, wind mill power and aesthetics were evolving in Europe. During the thirteenth century, the Chinese used the wind mill power to irrigate crops. The bases of the wind mills were becoming smaller and rounder, and communities were broadening the uses of wind energy. Although the technology was still rudimentary, the pumps and grinds were being used for various goods. The types of wind mills and the uses of the wind mill power vary greatly throughout the generations and regions. The use of wind power progressed as the centuries endured. Today, civilizations are bringing wind power home and using it for more than pumps and grinds.

By using wind power, home builders can expect to reduce their overall utility bills between fifty and ninety percent. In cases where the wind turbines are situated in ideal locations, homeowners can even turn a profit on the energy generation. The concept is easy. When the energy generated is more than the energy used, local utility companies automatically purchase the excess energy. Over a long period time, the use of wind power may be significantly less than the wind power generated causing quite a profit for the owner.

Basically, a wind power home residential kit is purchased and installed. A wind turbine is situated on top of a tall tower, about eighty feet in the air. The tower collects energy from the wind and converts it into a useable energy source that is compatible with the wind power home system. In typical cases, residences are powered by a combination of wind energy and purchased electricity from a local utility company. As long as the wind speeds are conducive to electricity generation, the residence remains powered by the wind power home kit. When the wind speeds decline and electricity is not produced, the residence is powered by purchased energy. For residences in particularly windy areas, energy production may be significantly higher than the energy produced in less windy regions.

Thanks to the technology that has been changing over hundreds of years, homeowners are beginning to take advantage of an economical and practical energy supply. One that is highly renewable and sustainable for years to come.

Your Questions About Wind Turbines Oklahoma

Mary asks…

What are some negative effects of energy producing wind mills or solar panels?

admin answers:

The biggest problems are that the most well suited places to put them are not usually where the need for the power is greatest.

I live out in West Texas just below the pan-handle. There are “wind farms” all over here, because the wind blows all the time. Other than a small city (Midland/Odessa) there is very little industry nearby. It’s 250 miles to Dallas/Fort Worth or El Paso and farther still to Oklahoma City, Houston or Austin. , Transmission of the power over distances is an engineering problem that still doesn’t have a good solution.

Similarly, we have some sunshine almost every day of the year. Solar works here, but where do we send it? Areas like Chicago and Boston need the power, but don’t have the sunshine as reliably.

Still, on a local level, we get a lot of our power from alternative sources. I feel good about that.

Edit specifically for Johnnie B – There is blessed little that stops the wind in west Texas. It slows some at sundown, but rarely stops. Maybe in East Texas, but that’s 400 miles from here.

Edit for asker – I’m not sure if my original answer was what you meant by “negative effects,” though. There are reports of large numbers of birds being killed by collision with the blades of a wind turbine, but that hasn’t proven to be true here. Some find the towers unsightly. I think they are rather elegant. As far as the “not in my back yard” argument – well, I’ve heard that the power company pays rent on the land for each tower of about $10,000 per year. I could get to like the guaranteed income. 5 towers, and I’d make more than my full-time teaching job paid. There are few other “negative” effects. Solar and wind power generation do not cause noise or air pollution, no mystery radiation source, no ground water contamination. They are two of the “cleanest” sources of power available.

Richard asks…

What problems are happening now that we will have to face in the future in Kansas?

What problems in Kansas are occuring now, that we will have to face more into the future?

admin answers:

I know a big issue is related to the Ogallala Aquifer in western Kansas is being drained by the central states faster than can be replenished and is an issue that will be critical in the future. If there is not enough water supported there, farm lands can not be water, homes will be without water and the balance of the earth can be lost. Water issues are critical to Kansas and when I took an enviornmental science course, my professor was also involved with the State Department of Agriculture, and said how Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska like to fight amongst themselves about water rights, pollution of water and so on.

I think also energy issues will be a major thing. With the increase in costs of energy, there might be a big push for wind turbines on the Plains. It will be a major issue in the future, even in the near future since wind can be good clean energy. Right now coal is being used in Kansas and people are getting upset at the pollution from it and so on.

Plus, Kansas being so close to agriculture, the problem of fertile soil will be a big issue. If they continue to overfarm, there could come a time when the ground doesn’t support agriculture, like with the Aquifer.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home

Helen asks…

Is wind power generator at home really work ?

I heard about wind power generator and I want to make a wind power generator to power things in my house. Although I am not sure where to find good information. I want to save money. Is there any reliable information on how to make wind power generator at home?

admin answers:

I made mine wind power generator and its saving me some good money 🙂 I use it to power various things inside and outside my house. I found the best source of info for this at:

Good luck 🙂

James asks…

How do I make my own wind power generators?

I want to make my own wind power generator at home because I want to use it to power my laptop and a small portable TV. How do I go about building wind power generators?

admin answers:

I make my 2 wind power generators at home and you will need
a generator, blades battery and inverter.

I use them to power my lighting along my balcony.

Actually I got the infomation from Thats where I got my blade designs from and learnt how to wire it up.. Its saving me some good money 🙂

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Residential Wind Power

Wind energy conversion is steadily proliferating as the average cost of energy increases. As more individuals are becoming environmentally aware, clean alternative energy sources that are cost-efficient are being sought at an extremely high rate. The use of residential wind power is exploding exponentially as individuals and builders are discovering the many benefits of generating their own electricity with wind power generators.

Residential wind power is relatively easy to understand. Basically, a wind turbine is installed on a tall tower. This turbine converts wind energy into electricity that is compatible with a residential electrical system. The wind energy is used in conjunction with power purchased from the local utility company. When wind speeds are conducive to energy production, energy is produced and stored. This energy is used for the home and the excess energy is automatically purchased by the local utility company. In situations when wind speeds are not conducive to significant amounts of energy production, wind energy is used in conjunction with purchased electricity. In some cases, wind speeds are too low to convert into electricity. In this scenario, the purchased energy is used.

Typically, residential wind power systems can save homeowners between fifty and ninety percent of their total electric bills. Individual savings are highly dependent on local conditions. Location of turbines and wind speed are highly variable factors that contribute to the energy conversion. Homeowners in unobstructed areas with high wind speeds can even make a profit on their residential wind power systems. Simply put, if the energy produced is greater than the energy used, homeowners generate a profit from the excess energy that will be bought by the local utility company.

Homeowners interested in residential wind power systems will need to do some research to determine the size of turbine needed for their specific home. In most cases, however, it is not economically justifiable for the homeowners to conduct the timely and exact wind measurements. Luckily, the US Department of Energy can provide sufficient estimates for expected wind performance. It is always advisable to consult with local authorities to ensure the rules and regulations for construction and maintenance are being met.

The initial investment for residential wind power systems can be several thousand dollars. Although this may seem pricey, the long term economic benefits of residential wind power production significantly counterbalance the initial investment. For the greatest savings, interested persons can choose to purchase the wind generator kits directly from the factories and assemble the systems themselves. Homeowners with a little time, patience, and knowledge will find residential wind power to be cost-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Plans for Homebuilt Wind Power

As the wind energy market grows and changes, many residences and small business owners are developing plans for homebuilt wind power. Homebuilt wind power has many great and far-reaching advantages. Its economical and environmental benefits cannot be overlooked. However, there are a few factors that should be examined before beginning plans for homebuilt wind power. Location and production are important and detrimental to wind energy production. With enough research and patience, any home or small business owner will be able to reap the benefits of this amazing energy alternative.

Homebuilt wind power has many advantages. The two main reasons for home wind energy production are economical and environmental. Typically, a homeowner can save between fifty and ninety percent on their overall utility bills with the integration of homebuilt wind power to their electric grid. In some cases, the generation of wind energy can exceed the local energy use. In these cases, the utility company will purchase the excess energy from the homeowner. Wind energy is also a zero emissions energy source. The amount of environmental damage that wind energy offsets is astounding. Wind power is globally recognized as one of the cleanest energy sources, even more so when comparing it to fossil fuel derived energy sources.

Plans for homebuilt wind power should include a budget and plans for construction. Homeowners with a larger budget may purchase a home wind power kit from a factory and pay for installation. Other homeowners with a smaller budget may find it more economical to purchase the kit from a factory but install the wind energy generation system themselves. This is entirely possibly and can save the builder thousands of dollars. Both are viable options with entirely different budgets. Nonetheless, there is a wind energy kit to suit both needs.

Once the decision has been made to go forth with plans for homebuilt wind power, decisions must be made as to the location of the wind turbine. For optimal performance, builders need to pick a location with unobstructed and high wind speeds. The best locations for wind turbines tend to be in open fields, Oceanside, and mountainside. It is also important to consider others in the area. Although the technology has developed in a way that noise pollution is no longer a problem, others in the area may have concerns about the unsightliness of a turbine or satellite interference. However founded or unfounded their concerns may be, it is in the best interest to consult with concerned parties.

Developing plans for homebuilt wind power is great for homeowners looking to save money with a small (or large) investment. It is also a great way for a homeowner to do their part for the global campaign for environmentally friendly goods and services. No matter the reason, homebuilt wind power is a great option.

How Wind Power Works

As the price of energy increases, many people are turning to more economical and environmentally friendly energy alternatives. The wind energy market has seen an increase of about forty-five percent last year. The estimates for 2008 are about the same. Wind power production in the United States spans over thirty-five states, with the Midwest holding quite a portion of the nations wind turbines. Many residences and small businesses are turning to wind power to meet their small scale energy needs. In fact, a lot of homeowners are building the wind power systems themselves. It is relatively simple to understand how wind power works.

Basically, the kinetic energy from the quickly moving wind particles is captured by the wind turbine. The blades of these turbines are designed in such a way that it is possible to do so. This is how wind power works the generator. The blades rotate and spin the shaft of the turbine. The shaft leads to the generator and the generator converts the rotational energy into electricity. Understanding how wind power works can be even easier when it is simplified. The generator is converting energy in one form to another.

Wind turbines basically have three parts: the rotator blades, the shaft, and the generator. The blades work to catch the wind, much like sails. The wind forces the blades into motion. The shaft is connected to the center of the blades. As the center spins, the shaft spins and transfers the energy from the wind blowing to the generator. The generator uses electromagnetic induction to convert the rotational energy into electric voltage. This is the most complicated process of how wind power works.

Some wind turbines generate more energy than others. Wind turbines in prime locations can turn a hefty profit for investors. Because of the nature of how wind power works, some locations are deemed better for wind power production than others. Wind turbines in open fields or near the ocean can generate significantly more energy than wind turbines in urban areas or places that are commonly obstructed.

Modern wind technology can be a bit more complicated when looking at it from a detailed perspective. Over the last few decades, the United States government has offered tax credits and incentives for research and development in the wind energy market. While most tax incentive programs are set to expire by the end of the year, it is predicted that the government will renew the current incentives or develop a new system to help promote wind technology. Wind energy is a growing market that is helping to solve the energy crisis today.

Homebuilt Wind Power

Wind energy conversion is steadily proliferating as the average cost of energy increases. As more individuals are becoming environmentally aware, clean alternative energy sources that are cost-efficient are being sought at an extremely high rate. The use of homebuilt wind power in residences is exploding exponentially as individuals and builders are discovering the many benefits of generating their own electricity with wind power generators. In fact, 2007 showed an increase in the wind energy market by 45%. For homeowners interested in homebuilt wind power, wind power kits are readily available. These homebuilt wind power kits can be surprisingly simple and affordable for those with a little patience and knowledge.

By using homebuilt wind power, residential owners can expect to reduce their utility bills between fifty and ninety percent. In cases where the wind turbines are in prime locations, homeowners can even turn a profit on the energy generation. Basically, when the energy generated is more than the energy used, local utility companies automatically purchase the excess energy.

Homeowners interested in homebuilt wind power should consult their local authorities for local regulations and information about wind power generation in the particular area. Builders should also consult the United States Department of Energy for efficiency estimates and information about the size of wind turbines that would be necessary for the area. The Department of Energy can also provide useful statistics and research about wind activity in certain areas that may help narrow down the decision when purchasing the wind generator systems.

Wind power, homemade, may be the best answer to the growing energy crisis. Many companies and factories offer wind power homemade kits for small scale use. Typically, these kits can cost several thousand dollars in the initial investment. However, builders can save a bundle by purchasing the wind power homemade kits directly from the factory. The assembly can be simple and many individuals and venues offer a plethora of help options. Wind energy workshops, websites, and books are proliferating and readily accessible to interested buyers.

The rising cost of energy has everyone searching for a clean alternative energy source. Wind power is both an economical and practical option. The initial investment for residential wind power systems can be several thousand dollars. Although this may seem pricey, the long term economic benefits of residential wind power production significantly counterbalance the initial investment. For the greatest savings, interested persons can choose to purchase the homebuilt wind power kits directly from the factories and assemble the systems themselves. Homeowners with a little time, patience, and knowledge will find residential wind power to be cost-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay

Donna asks…

how can you make a wind powered generator with solar panels as back up?

I am in the process of building a wind powered generator and I want to put on some solar panels on it as a back up source of energy. So pleas HELP!!!!!!

admin answers:

Hi, This is a good question and I have your answer, This is a very simple thing to do you can buy all your materials in any store as simple as using a 6″ PVC Tube to make the blades for your wind generator. E-bay has a lot of DC Generators that are good to use as a wind generator. I bought a guide named earth4energy and they show how to make a wind generator in 3 simple steps. You can find this guide at : and also a lot of information about renewable energy.

Steps to make a wind generator :


This wind turbine transforms wind power into electricity, with the use of an A DC Motor that generates the power to spin the blades,
Options include:
 Electric lawn mower motors that have been recycled.
 All motors made by Ametek.
 Alternators with a permanent magnet (car alternators).

In order to find a DC motor you can check eBay, or look for inexpensive power tools. Drills, screwdrivers and other tools are a great way to find inexpensive DC motors although they do not generate much energy they are great for smaller projects. A great DC motor/generator is the Ametek 30VDC as pictured below. I purchased this DC motor for about $50 from ebay.



building PVC blades from an old pipe please watch our instruction video from the members page.
 Acquire a 6-inch wide, 24-inch long PVC pipe.
 Quarter the piece of pipe around its circumference, cutting it lengthwise into four pieces (diagram on the next page).

This is only a preview of the step-step guide that they include in their package for more information please visit :

I can share with you more information because is a copyright information

Robert asks…

Will a 90v DC motor produce a good amount of power as a wind generator?

I just bought it on eBay a bit ago. It is the size of a blower motor and has a built in magnet. Will I get a sufficient amount of wattage and amps?

admin answers:

It would depend on the rpms. Also, how many amps is the motor?

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Home Wind Power

Home Wind Power

Many people are finding solutions to the growing energy crisis with home wind power systems. In fact, 2007 showed an increase in the wind energy market by 45%. While this figure incorporates the large scale market and small scale market, the fact remains that wind power generation is on the rise. This is true globally, as well. All around the world, nations are developing energy policies that incorporate or reward wind energy. With such a booming market, it is no wonder why homeowners and small business owners are turning to home wind power to meet their demands.

Homeowners or small business owners interested in home wind power generation should consult their local authorities before beginning any project. Local rules and regulations vary greatly around the country and local standards must be applied before construction. Also, the local authorities may have added information regarding wind power in a particular area that prospective builders will not find anywhere else. Another great resource is the Department of Energy. The Department of Energy can provide data and statistics that could save builders a hefty portion of money during the construction phase of home wind power generation.

Once research and data have been collected and the proper permits obtained, homeowners should decide on a prime location for their home wind power turbine. The turbine will need to be placed on a tall tower approximately eighty feet high. The wind turbine should also be placed in a location that receives unobstructed and high wind speeds. Open fields, Oceanside, and mountainside tend to be the most productive locations. It is also important to consider other homeowners or property owners in the area. Many people are not aware that modern wind turbine technology has resolved most noise complaints, so some concerns will probably be raised.

After the location has been selected, builders should look into several factories and manufacturers in order to purchase the correct home wind power kit to fulfill the specific needs. Home wind power kits come in a variety of sizes and styles. If the primary goal is to generate enough electricity to supply the household, one particular kit may be needed. If the primary goal is to generate a surplus of electricity with the intent to sell back to the utility company, an entirely different kit may be needed. Picking the appropriate home wind power kit is also highly dependent on the wind conditions in a particular area. A larger or smaller turbine may be necessary depending on wind speed and obstruction.

Regardless of the technicalities of production, building a home wind power kit is entirely doable. With a little patience and knowledge, homeowners can reap the economic benefits of a personal wind power generate that can be expected to significantly lower their utility bills.

Home Wind Power Generator

The rising cost of energy and the increased public awareness of the environment have led many families, businesses, and nations to significantly increase the utilization of this renewable energy source. With a little bit of determination and know-how, individuals are building a personal home wind power generator to supplement their home energy supplies and greatly reduce the cost of their electricity bills.

The concept of a home wind power generator is easy to understand. Basically, strategically located wind turbines collect and convert wind energy into electricity. These wind turbines are connected to electrical grids. Individual turbines can convert energy in small localities, and large scale wind farms can convert energy into larger scale electric grids.

Builders should look into several factories and manufacturers in order to purchase the correct home wind power generator to fulfill their specific needs. A home wind power generator can come in a variety of sizes and styles. If the goal is to generate an electricity supply for the household, one particular kit may be needed. If the primary goal is to generate a surplus of electricity to sell back to the energy market, an entirely different kit may be needed. Picking the appropriate home wind power generator is highly dependent on the wind conditions in a particular area. A larger or smaller turbine may be necessary depending on these factors.

Basically, a home wind power generator is installed, and a wind turbine is situated on top of a tall tower. The tower collects energy from the wind and converts it into a useable energy source that is compatible with the home system. In typical cases, residences are powered by a combination of wind energy and purchased electricity from a local utility company. As long as the wind speeds are conducive to electricity generation, the residence remains powered by the home wind power generator. When the wind speeds decline and electricity is not produced, the residence is powered by purchased energy. For residences in particularly windy areas, energy production may be significantly higher than the energy produced in less windy regions.

A homebuilt wind power generator has many advantages. The two main reasons for home wind energy production are economical and environmental. Typically, a homeowner can save between fifty and ninety percent on their overall utility bills with the integration of homebuilt wind power to their electric grid. In some cases, the generation of wind energy can exceed the local energy use. In these cases, the utility company will purchase the excess energy from the homeowner. Wind energy is also a zero emissions energy source. The amount of environmental damage that wind energy offsets is astounding. Wind power is globally recognized as one of the cleanest energy sources, even more so when comparing it to fossil fuel derived energy sources.

Many factors contribute to the ultimate decision to invest in a home wind power generator. However, the benefits are economical and practical. Builders interested in a long term investment that is predicted to yield profits and savings, should seriously consider a home wind power generator.

Advantages of Wind Power

The wind power industry is a growing market that is set to expand exponentially in the next few years. As the energy crisis develops and fossil fuels are depleted, more people are turning to alternative energy sources to solve their personal energy needs. All across the world residences, businesses, and even nations are turning to wind power to help bridge the supply and demand gap. The advantages of wind power are absolutely numerous and varied.

Many of the most convincing advantages of wind power are more directed toward residential wind turbine owners. For example, one of the major advantages of wind power is that it is highly economical. Owners of wind turbines can expect to see a savings between fifty and ninety percent on their utility bills. In some cases, owners and builders of wind turbines will even see a profit. Wind turbines built in prime locations can actually generate more energy than is needed to fuel a particular home. In these cases, the local utility company will automatically purchase the excess energy.

Homeowners interested in wind turbines will find it particularly advantageous to learn that a wind turbine system occupies very little land. Since the turbine is constructed on a tall tower and the generation system is within the tower, the land below can continue to be use. This is especially important for farming and agricultural areas. The builder can continue to use and profit from the land below. Another one of the advantages of wind power is that it can power residences that are remote, and are not connected to the electric power grids. These areas can install their own wind turbine systems and use the local wind energy to generate the energy needed for the area.

There are also many advantages of wind power that affect the world at large. For example, wind energy is completely renewable. Unlike fossil fuel based energy sources, the people of the world will not have to worry about whether or not this energy source will run dry. By nature, it will not. Wind energy is also a zero emissions energy source. Wind turbines produce no greenhouse gases or other pollutants. In fact, wind turbines can offset emissions. Over the typical lifetime of a residential wind turbine, the turbine will have displaced several tons of greenhouse gases. Another advantage is that wind turbines have the potential to help developing countries. Countries with areas without modern connectivity may greatly benefit from the highly renewable and extremely cost efficient energy system.

With the rise of wind power, many people are starting to investigate and inquire about this energy source. The advantages of wind power are numerous and varied. From appeals to residential owners to great advantages for nations and the world, the use of wind power should appeal to everyone.