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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost

Michael asks…

what is the approximate initial cost of wind turbines?

I need a little help on our Science I report. What is the approximate initial cost of wind turbines? How much is the wind turbine without the maintenance and other accessories? Help!!

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Sandra asks…

How much Wind Turbines Does it take to Make the Energy in a Power Plant?

How much Wind Turbines Does it take to Make the Energy in a Power Plant?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Joseph asks…

How would I go about building a small scale wind turbine to power small items/store excess electricity?

With all this windy weather in the UK at the moment it made me think about designing/constructing a small wind turbine to power small items, i.e. things that would usually plug into the mains and not use that much power, e.g. lamps, etc. How can I go about making one that will power such items and store excess power it produces in a battery or something? I’m sure it will be difficult but any tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Richard asks…

Is a charge controller needed with a 400w wind turbine system with no batteries or just a power inverter?

I am setting up a wind turbine system that only has a 400w wind turbine. I am going to make it a tie in and will not have a battery system to save power. Do i need a charge controller or is only having the power inverter enough
yes i meant a grid tie in.

so i would need to contact my electric company then and ask them what they supply and what i should purchase myself?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Sale

Mark asks…

why cant the spinning wheels of a car be used to recharge an electric motor within the car?

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James asks…

I “Want” to buy a magnetic Generator. oh please may you help?

im like having an Obsession trying to find a sight that can sale these things even if they are prototypes. im totally interested to almost near desperate! if i get any worse i would be forced to build my own witch is the last thing in my life! Medium or big doesn’t matter. just hoping to cover our fridge and heater.
they work by perpetual motion with a little electricity added for more power.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician

James asks…

Career advice for a master roofer in SE Michigan?

I have provided roofing services to the community for about 14 years now and cannot find a secure career in this trade. Anybody have any suggestions? Going through the phone book and internet just isn’t working anymore…

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Maria asks…

What does a Renewable’s Engineer do?

So I have been looking into renewable engineering degree courses and they look good but I am just having a hard time understanding what a renewable s engineer would do, would you have to go out to the wind turbines and actually work on them physically or would it be more of an office job where you sit there and come up with new ideas of how to make things like wind turbine blades more efficient?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Wiki

Thomas asks…

How does spinning provide mechanical energy?

Wind turbines for example. I understand it needs a generator, but I don’t understand how it generates power into it.
I was also wondering if it worked both ways. Like if a wind turbine provided energy by spinning clockwise, could/would it (hypothetically) power the generator by spinning counterclockwise?

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Charles asks…

Horizontal WInd Turbines building Instructions?

Does anyone know a website or link that can give direct insturctions to building a Horizontal Wind Turbine? Not one of those ones the size of football fields. More like a small model. Yahoo! Answers is my last resort, and I need to type my procedure in for my 9th grade Science Long-Term project by tomorrow!!

Please! I really need help! My partners on the project basically suck…and don’t know anything.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

Carol asks…

How can I use a windmill to help supplement my electric bill?

I looked into solar panels, but apparently it isn’t worth the money to buy one. Someone suggested a windmill. I have a large three bedroom home and the heating and cooling bill is killing me. Would a windmill work?

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George asks…

Senior citizens would you have a generator if you lived in an area that had debilitating weather?

I don’t understand why some of these people do not have generators where the weather can get wild. Either too hot or too cold.
My son lives in his own home in SC and he got a huge generator when he moved in in case of outages. He also got it large enough to run his home and the people next door as they were having stair- step children and needed to have lots of milk around he thought.
Patti: it depends on the size of the generator and the appliance.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine

Richard asks…

What maximum output would you expect from a wind turbine with a 20 ft diameter blade in a 15 mph wind?

What maximum output would you expect from a wind turbine with a 20 ft
diameter blade in a 15 mph wind?

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Laura asks…

Why dont we all put a little wind turbine on our roofs to power heaters in the winter?

So would this work, stick a roof top wind turbine on your house and directly plug it into a heater, which would heat your house in the winter?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home Use

William asks…

Will the energy produced by the windmill be enough to power my hospital?

The model of the windmill is

The monthly electricity bill is 428$

I’m planning to buy a windmill for my hospital at economic rates. If more models discovered please suggest the web-site.

Thanks for your time,
Rutvik Bade

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Betty asks…

Which renewable energy source has the greatest net energy yield?

Which renewable energy source has the greatest net energy yield?
A. Solar Energy
B. Hydroelectric
C. Wind
D. Biomass
E. Hydrogen Fuel
F. Geothermal

And please explain why you picked the answer , for example :

F , Geothermal , this is beacuse …….

Thanks , i need the answer+explaination by tonight .

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Your Questions About Wind Generators

Paul asks…

Is there a no-interest loan available from the government for installation of a 1.5 Megawatt Wind Generator?

I own an RV Park, and I would like to install a 1.5 Megawatt wind generator on my property. The cost is going to be around $80,000. I need to know if there are any interest-free loans available from the government for the installation of a wind generator?
By the way, I am located in Texas, and my campground is located outside of the city limits.

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Joseph asks…

Why do wind generators need a constant power draw?

I was researching wind generators, and I kept reading something about wind generators needing a big battery bank (300-400 Ah) or a charge controller with a dump or power diversion mode to maintain a draw on the generator at all times.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbines Colorado

Betty asks…

Poll: who do you think your state will vote for? McCain or Obama?

Ok, so I live in California, so my perception of how others will vote is skewed. I assume that everyone in the country will vote for Obama because I live in a very liberal state.

Here’s my question: What state do you live in, and who do you think your state will vote for?

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Daniel asks…

It’s a small world, Have you ever ran into someone you know in an odd place?

Today I seen two people I was friends with in Middle school, Haven’t seen them since I moved. I got a job working on Wind Turbines, And I ended up running into them at a bar, they were up here working on a pipeline.
I Live in Colorado, they live in St. Louis, and I seen them in South Texas. it’s crazy. heh. Haven’t seen them for like 10 years.

Stuff like that has happened quite a few times, actually..

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Australia

Ken asks…


please can you help me answer as many as you can. Whoever answers the most wins 10 points 🙂

1. What is the best location for a nuclear power plant?
2. What is the best place for a wind farm?
3.What is the best place for a wave energy generator? (and not just, “in the sea” please :))
4. What is the best place for tidal barrage?
5. How much does energy generated from tidal barrage cost?
6. What is the best place for a hydroelectric power station?
7. What is the start up time for a hydroelectric power station?
8. How much does is cost to build a solar power plant?
9.What is the start up time for a solar power plant?
10.What is the best location for a solar power plant?
11. How much does energy generated from solar power plant cost?
12.What is the best location for a geothermal power station?
13. What is the start up time for a geothermal power station?
14. How much does it cost to build a geothermal power station?
15. Is there any pollution from geothermal power plants? (i.e visual, noise…etc)

Thank you so much, it doesnt matter if you can’t answer a lot just anything would be great 🙂

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Lisa asks…

Is there a market for Wind Power (onshore and Offshore) in Australia esp Brisbane? Please give reasons/links?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home

Michael asks…

Build a solar or wind propelled generator?

I want to know how to make a solar or wind propelled generator? First if i can make a solar and wind propelled generator and combine them to work at the same time. The solar panel can be around 12 volts. I just want to do this as a home project. I don’t want extreme power out of this. I am young but have a lot of experience with building electronics so keep it simple enough for me to do it.

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Ken asks…

Is it possible to make solar panels for generating electricity out of everyday materials?

I have made a wind generator out of cheap, everyday materials.
Is it possible to make solar panels for generating electricity from everyday materials, perhaps something like a thermocouple with two different metals?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Daniel asks…

Does anyone know about converters in wind turbines?

I would like information about converters. I.E. where does their power supply come from? Are there different kinds of converters? Any Calculations that deal with their application in wind turbines? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Maria asks…

Wind turbine feasibility study – wind speed monitoring (wind data logging) equipment?

I am planning on installing a wind turbine in my home and considering the price of the turbines in the market, it seemed a good idea to buy a wind data monitoring system. I’m looking for a system that would be measure both wind speed and direction (other sensors are not essential). It should also be able to record considerable amount of data record data (3-4 months) and it should be self powered (or atleast run on a rechargable battery).

Please help me find a manufacturer or dealer of the equipment i’m looking for.

Thank you.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Manufacturers

Linda asks…

How much energy does a ROOFTOP wind turbine…?

…have to produce in order to be linked to the main grid? I’m not really interested in the battery backup system but feel free to include that info as well.

Could you explain these NUMBERS to me like I were a vegetable please?

-generator rpm

Please tell me how they are related and whatever else there is to it. Thanks

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Jenny asks…

Wind generator for science fair help?

Okay.I’ve been having trouble with this project.

What is the best propeller design for a wind generator?
Would you maximize the surface orthogonal to presumed wind direction? How would this affect long term wear? As we look for alternate energy sources, the design of alternative energy generators will become increasingly important.

I don’t understand what the control and variables would be.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Alaska

Mark asks…

Do you think we should start drilling now?


I just googled this and its true.

Ever heard of the Bakken Formation?

GOOGLE it or follow this link. It will blow your mind.


The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April (’08) that
only scientists and oilmen knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn’t been updated since ’95) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota ; western South Dakota ; and extreme eastern Montana …. Check THIS out:

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska ‘s
Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil.
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at
503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable… At $107
a barrel, we’re looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion..

‘When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.’ says Terry Johnson, the
Montana Legislature’s financial analyst.

‘This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years,’ reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It’s a
formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the ‘Bakken.’ And it stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U.S.oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the ‘Big Oil’ companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological break through has opened up the Bakken’s massive reserves… And we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!

That’s enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 41 years straight.

2. [And if THAT didn’t throw you on the floor, then this next one
should – because it’s from TWO YEARS AGO, people!]

U.S.Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World!
Stansberry Report Online – 4/20/2006 Hidden 1,000 feet beneath
the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve
in the world is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction.

They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our
borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the
official estimates:

-8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
-18-times as much oil a S Iraq
-21-times as much oil as Kuwait
-22-times as much oil as Iran
-500-times as much oil as Yemen- and it’s all right here in the

Western United States .

HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this!? Because the democrats, environmentalists and left wing republicans have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil.

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2
TRILLION barrels. Untapped. That’s more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.

Don’t think ‘OPEC’ will drop its price – even with this find?
Think again! It’s all about the competitive marketplace, – it has to..
Anarking: People like yourself are always complaining about the deficit, maybe this is a way out.

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Susan asks…

Looking for an Alaskan to answer a few questions for a research paper?

Hi guys 🙂

I just had a few questions about Alaska, if you can answer any of them (even if it’s just one) it would be wonderful!

-when do the northern lights appear? Do they only appear high north or can they be seen anywhere in the state?
-Do deep lakes freeze over during December and other winter months?
-How deep does the snow get (in general) during winter months? Is it possible to walk outside?
-How common are wild animals? Do you see them often just around town?
-What do you do for fun (in general)?
-During the winter, when it’s night most of the day, is the sky actually black, or is it more blue (like during dusk)? Is it an inconvenience, to have dark days?
-What month do you first start noticing the night/day shift?
-What is a common outfit during the winter months?

Thank you SO much for any help you can offer 🙂

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Your Questions About Wind Turbines For Home Use

Laura asks…

Does anyone out there live next to wind turbines?

Our county just passed new zoning. The new zoning has enabled 400′ wind turbines to come into our town. Everyone is in an uproar due to the negitive publicity that surrounds this technology. There will be 135-140 of these massive turbines located near our small town of 20,000 people. Ours is an University town so in the summer that amount dramatically dips down. The turbines will be located within 1500′ to the nearest homeowners that lives on the outskirts of town and within 3 miles of the town itself. I personally will be living 2 miles from the nearest white monster, with open countryside between me and IT. Can anyone fill me in as to what to expect from this new development?
I have recieved some negitive responses to my question regarding wind turbines. I have done my research on these, yes, monsters. First of all we were approached to have several of these turbines on our land and we turned them down flat. Secondly, I am all for “green energy”, but our county has 100,000’s of acres that are not inhabited by animals or humans. We have had people call our county commissioners that have these turbines located next to their homes and towns. There calls have all been negitive. Landowners that signed leases to have them put on their property have said if they would have offered him a million dollars to have them on his property now that he has had to live with them, he would tell them NO WAY. He said he wishes he could take back his lease. People have contacted us to tell us to do whatever we can to get them as far away from our town as possible. NOBODY is against a new way of energy, just not sooooo close to our homes and families.

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Charles asks…

Where can i get vertical wind turbine plans?

I want to find some plans to build my own wind turbine. I am happy to spend a few dollars to get the plans. Has anyone built a wind turbine from plans? Which plans are good?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home

George asks…

How do I put electricity back on the grid?

I am contemplating installing many wind generators on my large flat roof. How would I sell it back to the electric company? and how is it put back on the grid? Obviously into cannot just be connected to thetransformer (diif. voltage/amperage)? How is this done?

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Steven asks…

At which height should i be seriously concerned about lightning strikes and how to compensate?

I am building a wind turbine and it is on a steel rod and i will be using a metal pole footed in the ground (4ft as per the local frost line) as its structure.
I have been contemplating on if i need to use a grounding rod to ensure that the generator ($300) or my charge controller/battery bank does not get damaged.
This is a completely homemade project and i plan to have it stand 9-10ft in the air, it is not for major power production but rather just an experiment and i will use the power generated to provide power for garden lighting.

There are trees in the vicinity of where i plan to place the turbine.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Sale

Helen asks…

what is internet home business and where ca?

I want to know more about internet home business and what is it all about and where can one find materials in starting internet home business is there anything to be gained in doing it and who are the successful people in home business can we know them

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Charles asks…

Solar vs. Wind power and how i can use it?

Okay I was on new egg checkin out some solar panels and noticed they have wind generators for sale on their site to money is no problem but like all folks i dont wanna spend more than i have too which should i buy solar or wind? which can get me the most electricity?? and does anyone know about how i can get my house to run on completely solar or wind?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs

William asks…

Looking for work in a new green job?

The media keeps on saying that there is a lot of stimulus money going into the creation of new green jobs. What jobs are they talking about?

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Thomas asks…

2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using nuclear generators for electricity?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Mark asks…

Do you run your house with a generator, is it better than a main supply?

I am thinking about having the mains electricity cut off, having a wind turbine and a generator instead, is there anyone who powers the house ONLY by alternative ways?? if so how succesfull is it and do you save money.

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Donald asks…

what is the best copper wire to build a electric generator?

Can you use any copper wire to make a wind turbine electric generator?

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