
Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician

Donald asks…

Careers?? help me out?

I want a hands on job where I can have fun and grow and maybe outdoors?… most important is a good outlook. I would like to make 40,000-60,000. Some things I have been looking at are Electrician, Machinist, wind turbine technician, elevator technician … if anyone knows any jobs or info, I would know love too know?

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Joseph asks…

question about food stamps?

My husband and I live in Texas and are commonlaw married. We are both going to college and have a 2 year old son. When we first applied for food stamps in September of this year, my husband was 2 days away from starting his job. Our case-worker said just to send the documents about his job and he would be added to the case. We did and he was added in October, and we received benefits for all three of us. Then, in Novmeber, our benefits were reduced. I found out that my husband was removed from our case. I finally got him added back to our case and the Supervisor informed me that by including his income, it would actually reduce our benefit amount. His gross income is no more than $1200 per month, and our rent is equal to half of our monthly income. The only thing that I can think of is that they are using his income to disqualify him, but not counting it toward the 3 person household limit, which we are well under. With food stamps, we are able to survive until we both finish college which will be in 8-12 months. Does anyone have any insight on this, about what could be going on and what we could do, because without food stamps, we cannot survive until we both finish college. I am working on my HIM degree and he is becoming a Wind Turbine Technician, so once we both finish school, we will easily be able to provide for our son, but we actually need this help now while we are trying to better our lives and future for our son. I am just baffled and don’t know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I know that I am eligible because I am in college (my case-worker told me this), but only one person in the household can be eligible because they are in college. My husband works and my case-worker told us in September that he would be eligible because he is working, and now he has been disqualified, and nothing else has happened. Thanks in Advance!!

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home

Nancy asks…

Can I make a wind turbine using a gas generator?

I have access to a small gas-powered generator that can run a few appliances. It doesn’t run anymore, so I was wondering if I could put windmill blades on it. If it is possible to do it, could i plug it right into an outlet and feed power into our system? I know it can’t run the whole house, but it could reduce our elec. bill right?

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Daniel asks…

How are wind turbines hooked up to the power grid?

I want to put one next to my house and need to know how to make it supply power to my home.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

Jenny asks…

What sort of degree is needed to land a job in the energy efficiency sector?

I want to go back to school to get my masters in an energy efficiency/sustainability field, but I don’t know what path to take. I have an undergrad degree in Real Estate & Metropolitan Development. When I have the capital, I would like to develop energy efficient homes in NYC and aboard. But, in the meantime, I want to go back to school and learn more about the field. Does anyone have any ideas what degree path would compliment my real estate degree?

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James asks…

Is anybody generating their own electricity for their home?

Aside from a gas powered generator. I am curious as to the cost of the the device that is required to feed generated electricity back into the meter (so that your meter runs backward).

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost

Mary asks…

If i needed a wind turbine to power a pump how many watts will the turbine need to provide?

if i needed to power a pump with these specifications:
1.5hp, 240v, 8a
how many watts would the wind turbine need to supply?

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Betty asks…

hooking my wind turbine up to the power grid?

I want to hook my wind turbine up to the power grid. I was wondering how much is this going to cost?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home

Mary asks…

Would solar panels and a wind turbine make enough electricity a day for one house?

A well insulated home which is an average family home.

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Lisa asks…

I need to build a simple wind turbine to test the amount of electricity it produces?

I am testing to see if the amount of sails used affects the amount of electricity produced. So the model needs to allow insertion of more cardboard sails. I am re-doing my science gcse from home so I don’t have too much help.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Alaska

Carol asks…

Is mining always bad?

I am just finishing my HSC and until quite recently I had now idea what I wanted to study at uni. I’ve now decided I’m interested in getting into the mining sector. I like science and I know that jobs are readily available especially for women. However, upon signing out from my school and telling my teachers where I was heading, my response was regarded quite critically. Is mining always so bad? I’m not greedy- the money is appealing but I by no means want to get into career that I feel guilty pursuing just for money. I want to feel what I do is helpful and good for the world. Opinions?

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John asks…

How can I successfully go off the grid?

If I worked for several years and saved up enough money to pay cash for a little cabin on land, away from everyone, how could I sustain that lifestyle? Should I learn about gardening, or get a chicken farm for eggs, or what steps could I take to prepare myself? Or, as a compromise, if I saved up a bunch of money, paid off a small cabin/house, and then kept an internet connection and did some type of self-employed work on the internet to cover food costs (grocery delivery, internet connection cost, health care), what sort of online businesses would be best for that?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbines Colorado

Mark asks…

Do you purchase only US-made goods? Is it a solution to many of the problems the USA faces?

Seems like if we all purchased only goods made in the USA, it would certainly benefit our country….more jobs, more money kept here at home, etc. Do you make a point to only purchase US-made goods so that you are part of the solution instead of being part of the problem?
Reading over the first few answers, I am ASTONISHED at the responses! Is this the Twilight Zone or something?

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James asks…

Is Pres. Obama going to put Chinese Wind Turbines in Colorado don’t they kill birds?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

John asks…

how hard would it be to modify a wind turbine or gas generator?

I have been looking into alternate energy forms lately and have put lot of effort into researching how to make my own solar panels. then i got a great ideal. what if i took a wind turbine and rigged it up with neodynium magnets instead of fanblades so that it would spin constantly or what if i took a gas powered generator and rigged it to run using magnets instead? Can anyone tell me if this is possible or if there are any do-it-yourself blueprints already out there?

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Sandy asks…

Why is a low starting torque bad for a wind turbine?

Hey. I’m doing a proposal project for my technical writing class and I’m doing it on wind turbines. What I would like to know is why I have been reading that a low starting torque is a detrimental quality to a Darrieus-type vertical axis wind turbine. Wouldn’t this mean that the turbine can start very easily and generate power more often? Does it have something to do with a lot of variability in the generator’s speed because the turbine can start generating power so easily? Thank you.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay

John asks…

Wind turbines wont work?

So plain and simple i bought 2 turbines on ebay theese are them http://www.ebay.com/itm/300W-Wind-Turbine-Generator-Kit-Green-Power-System-6-Blades-Express-Shipping-/170912969076?ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
when i tested them before i mounted them by holding them in the wind…they would great but now that there mounted they never stayt in the wind and work terrible sine there never in the wind…idk what to do help?

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Helen asks…

Wind generator question?

I’ve made a wind turbine out of an Ametek motor I got from eBay. But I’m clueless whether to if it is waterproof for the rain? Does anyone have any ideas to whether it’s water proof? All answers appreciated!

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Your Questions About Wind Turbines For Home Use

Nancy asks…

What percent of wind power does the United States produce?

I have been wondering about the wind power, like windmills lately, here’s some other things i wondered
Where is one of the largest wind farms in the world? how many wind turbines are on that largest wind farm?
which country generated the mostwind energy? How much did they generate in 2003?
which country generated 686 megawatts of wind enerrgy?
U.S. wind energy can power how many U.S. homes?

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Betty asks…

Names of some books that teach/show how to install wind turbine on a home?

If there are any names of books that you know of that will help me STEP BY STEP to connect a wind turbine to the grid for my home, I would appreciate it.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Ruth asks…

What are the companies that are building wind turbines being built?

Does anyone know what companies are responsible for manufacturing the parts to build giant wind turbines on wind farms and whatnot?

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George asks…

How to make a DC motor into a wind generator?

I need to make a wind turbine for a science project, i have everything else sorted.

I’m using a DC motor from an old remote controlled car that used a 7.2 volt battery. Is there anything i need to do to this before it can be attached to the spinning shaft of the windmill, or can i hook up the wires to a lightbulb and let the thing spin?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home

Chris asks…

is it feasable to install a wind generator on cars and transfer electricity to a storage battery?

and when people get home plug into home , use what is produced , if any excess it would go to the grid.

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Helen asks…

What kind of inverter do I need ?

I am making/designing a generator that produces electricity to power many items at one time. I need an inverter that will connect to my home grid to power my house. It is not a solar generator or a wind generator.
I need to know what kind of inverter to get. I know that a regular inverter will not connect to my home grid.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost

Donna asks…

If a wind turbine has more energy, will it generate more electricity?

If a wind turbine has more energy, will it generate more electricity? Say a wind turbine has 4 blades, then all I do is add two more blades, will it generate more energy? Please and thanks.

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Charles asks…

How much is one wind turbine for a wind farm?

In average that is. And also, how many wind turbines do you usually have in range of a wind farm?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Wiki

Laura asks…


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Robert asks…

How can one dam generate all that hydroelectric POWER?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Cost

Donald asks…

Does it really take more energy to produce a wind generator than what the wind generator will produce?

I heard someone say this a little while back and was wondering if this could be validated by anyone with a little evidence.

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Thomas asks…

How do I convert an AC motor into a generator?

For example, I have an old fan. How do I modify the motor to generate electricity from the wind?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Sandy asks…

What is the blade radius of a wind turbine?

Is it the same as the length of the blade?

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Robert asks…

how much does a wind farm cost to build and install?

i’m doing a school project on wind farms but cannot find a set price for either a wind turbine or wind farm. what is the price of a turbine to build? how much does it cost to install? how much does an onshore and offshore wind farm cost (including turbine construction and installation costs)? thanks

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home Use

Steven asks…

What can we do to reduce our need for foreign oil?

Drilling wont solve the problem. 70% of the oil we use is being imported. We do not have that 70% here at home, not even if we do more drilling in the gulf and in Alaska. We are not a Saudi Arabia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drilling wont solve the problem. 70% of the oil we use is being imported. We do not have that 70% here at home, not even if we do more drilling in the gulf and in Alaska. We are not a Saudi Arabia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Susan asks…

How do wind turbines work?

I want to know how the wind turbines work, so far all I know is that it takes kinetic energy from the wind and converts it to electrical energy used to power things.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators

Daniel asks…

can a wind generator power a central house air conditioners?

Can a small scale wind generator power enough batteries to power a 5 ton air conditioner? And if it can, how large of a battery bank would I need, and would a 220 power converter be good enough.

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Lisa asks…

I want a wind generator, how do i get a permit from the town council?

Has anybody else had to get a permit variance for a wind generator? The main issue seems to be the height of the turbine tower. I wouldn’t mind getting a smaller tower, but i have to be 20 feet over the height of the trees around the generator tower. I don’t know how to make a presentation to the town council. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbines For Home Use

Sandy asks…

What are the relative advantages of Geothermal heat pumps and Wind turbines? ?

If a heat-engine (Geothermal heat-pump) instead of a wind-turbine were installed instead of a wind-turbine, what difference would it make?
Chariotmender, . thank you for a comprehensive and informed answer.
If I’m allowed one supplementary question, please,
Then why aren’t we installing Geothermal heat pumps instead of windmills? -Or more accurately, I suppose, why are we building so many windmills instead of installing heat pumps in appropriate places?

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Chris asks…

what qualifications are needed to work as an electrician on wind turbines?

i am an electrician quilified to 17th edition,i am going to be doing the wind turbine Access/safety course with the hope of getting a job working on wind farms either onshore or offshore.What other training is required to do this?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types

Chris asks…

What are the Similarities and differences between HAWT and VAWT?

(horizontal axis wind turbines and verticle axis wind turbines) i am doing an essay for english and science and i need help

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Ken asks…

How Can I Make A “Mini” Wind Turbine Out Of A Small Dc Motor?

I have a science fair coming up in 1 month and i want to make a wind turbine. I need someone to show me how to do it out of a dc motor (i have took one out of a toy car and another from a robot, both are the same). Any bright idea would help..
Thanks 🙂

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