Monthly Archives: February 2025

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

James asks…

How does a wind turbine convert the wind into energy we can you use?

I’m doing a science project with my best friend, and we want to see if we can convert wave energy into the kind of energy we can use, like a wind turbine. So, we want to know how a wind turbine can convert the wind into energy, then we can do the same with the wave energy. PLEASE help.

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George asks…

What determines the power of a wind turbine?

Wind turbines generate electricity through magnetic induction. The blades turn a rotor lined with magnets through copper coils, thus generating voltage. The question is WHAT determines the power output. If the wind is constant, is it the strength of the magnets? Or the length of the copper wire in the coils? Any way a lay-person can figure this out and come up with reasonable voltages expected?

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Your Questions About Wind Generators

Susan asks…

Can anyone tell me where I can find plans for a home wind generator?

More of a side project than a savings thing. I’m looking for free plans on building a small scale wind generator

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Thomas asks…

Please can I connect a 24volt DC wind generator to 12volt batteries?

Please can I connect a 24volt DC wind generator to 12volt batteries?

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