Monthly Archives: January 2025

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Betty asks…

How expensive is it to install a windmill at a private home?

I am lucky enough to live in a small town with no zoning laws and an over-abundance of wind. The local chamber of commerce has a windmill to power their building and some other property owners have them as well (they even sell back their electricity to the power company). Obviously I would need a professional to set it up, but does anyone know how costly it is?

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Lisa asks…

cost to install wind turbine and who installs it?

Can anyone tell me who do i have to contact if i need to install a wind turbien on my house? or i got to it myself? how much would it cost me or what is the average cost for that?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Helen asks…

What is the most durable and quality BRAND of wind turbines?

Most brands of wind turbines are named after their manufacturers. What brand do you think is the most durable among them all?

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James asks…

How can we get 60 Hz from wind turbine which moves slowly ?

Hi guys .. i’ve been wondering for a long time about how can we get 60 hz or 3600 rpm from wind turbine which moves slowly and gives only about less than 3 hz per second !

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