Monthly Archives: December 2024
Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use
Lizzie asks…
Is there a way that a wind mill can generate enough electricity to turn the lights on in a house?
I am writing an essay for school and it has to be on everyday life and how you can use alternative fossil fuels to do the same things. So if they are other things you can think of that i can use (wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, etc), to put in my essay that would be extremely helpful. Thanks!
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Steven asks…
Is there anyway to conduct eletrical energy with tin foil and the Sun?
I’m making a small scale home powered by an energy source. I’m thinking to use solar energy with simple household found items if it’s possible. If there is any other way to power my small home like this please let me know.
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Cost
Maria asks…
How much does it cost to make electricity?
How much does it cost to build a wind turbine
How much does it cost to power a wind turbine
How much does it cost to build a Coal plant
How much does it cost to power a Coal plant
How much does it cost to build a gas station
How much does it cost to power a gas station
How much does it cost to build a Solar power
How much does it cost to power a Solar power
How much does it cost to build a oil plant
How much does it cost to power a oil plant
Please help as i am stuck on my science project
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Charles asks…
How much on average does one wind turbine cost?
By how much does the economic benefits outweigh the cost?
How long will it take for the benefits to outweigh the cost of building it?
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