Daily Archives: August 12, 2024

Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

David asks…

How could renewable energy sources be used to meet a household’s needs?

Consider the following issues:

What renewable sources of energy are available?

Which sources could be used to supply a household’s needs? How could each source be used?

Where would the home have to be located to use each source?

What equipment would be needed? Where would this equipment be located?

What backup systems should be included?

For all you smart people out there, please answer all of these questions!

admin answers:

James asks…

How exactly does charging a Chevy Volt work?

When you’re not traveling far away from home, are you supposed to charge it at home, or at a station? How many times a month is it supposed to be charged? If you charge it at home, how does it impact your power bill? Is the higher cost of the power bill offset by the savings in gas you don’t have to buy anymore? If you charge it at a station, how much does that cost?

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