Daily Archives: July 12, 2024

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators How They Work

Ruth asks…

Are there any reasons why a larger number of blades would be more efficient ona wind turbine rather than less?

For science, we did an experiment to determine whether 3, 5 or 7 blades were more efficient on a wind turbine. Our results showed that seven blades produced a higher voltage, and three the least.However, now we ahve to find theoretical background which would support this, and everything I find on theinternet says three is better than more. does anyone know any benefits of having more blades?

Thank you.

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David asks…

What motor should I use for a DIY Mini Wind Turbine?

I read that stepper motors from old tape drives or dot-matrix printers are low rpm and good for making wind turbines, but I can’t find either of those for the life of me. Are there any other common household items that would have a suitable motor to use as a wind power generator?

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