Monthly Archives: June 2024

Your Questions About Wind Generators For Home

Mary asks…

Where can I find more information about self sufficient homes or independent homes?

I would like to build a house that can run all by itself. I just don’t know where to begin the research to determine what things to put in. I looked up solar panels and they don’t put out enough to be the only source of energy. Can you have wind generators for one person? or can only the government get them? Cost really isn’t a question since this is just a dream home.

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Laura asks…

What creates more friction? Gears and chain or belt and pully?

I am making a home made wind generator for a school project. I am using a car alternator( yes i know its not 100% power efficient. but im keeping cost down). I need to know how to make a good blade to generator ratio and keep the friction down. I have heard rumors or people using old 10 speed gears and chain. or should i use belts and pulleys? what would create the least friction? Yes i plan to use sealed bearings also.

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Daniel asks…

Is there a formula for determining the amount of energy produced via a windmill?

I would like to know how wind velocity and the size, weight and composition of the blades determine the amount of energy produced. I have no background in physics or engineering, so I would appreciate and assistance or guidance with respect to wind power generation. Thanks.

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Linda asks…

If i make a windmill/turbine what tax rebates am i entitled to?

I am making a windmill/turbine and would like to know what tax rebates i might be able to get?

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