Monthly Archives: July 2023

Your Questions About Wind Turbines For Home Use

Sandy asks…

What are the relative advantages of Geothermal heat pumps and Wind turbines? ?

If a heat-engine (Geothermal heat-pump) instead of a wind-turbine were installed instead of a wind-turbine, what difference would it make?
Chariotmender, . thank you for a comprehensive and informed answer.
If I’m allowed one supplementary question, please,
Then why aren’t we installing Geothermal heat pumps instead of windmills? -Or more accurately, I suppose, why are we building so many windmills instead of installing heat pumps in appropriate places?

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Chris asks…

what qualifications are needed to work as an electrician on wind turbines?

i am an electrician quilified to 17th edition,i am going to be doing the wind turbine Access/safety course with the hope of getting a job working on wind farms either onshore or offshore.What other training is required to do this?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types

Chris asks…

What are the Similarities and differences between HAWT and VAWT?

(horizontal axis wind turbines and verticle axis wind turbines) i am doing an essay for english and science and i need help

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Ken asks…

How Can I Make A “Mini” Wind Turbine Out Of A Small Dc Motor?

I have a science fair coming up in 1 month and i want to make a wind turbine. I need someone to show me how to do it out of a dc motor (i have took one out of a toy car and another from a robot, both are the same). Any bright idea would help..
Thanks 🙂

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