Monthly Archives: March 2023

Your Questions About Wind Generators Home Use

Robert asks…

Could you capture enough methane from composting to generate electricity for an appliance or even a home?

Wondering if it could be used to power a generator when solar or wind isn’t functioning.

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William asks…

How Can I Use Solar Power in My House?

As far as I know that it’s more economic to use solar power at home. What are the ways that solar power can help me with? How can i do it? How much will the devices needed cost?

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs

Daniel asks…

Where is the best place to get an education/experience and job in the installation of solar panels? ?

How can I start working as a solar panel installer/technician without years of education?

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Chris asks…

Whats a better job wind or solar technician?

I was thinking about getting a certificate in renewable energy. . I was wondering if I should focus on wind or solar. Which one has a better future and pays more? Also is installing/maintaining a wind turbine harder to learn then solar? maybe I can learn both but focus on the harder of the two for my classes and learn the other one on my own. If anyone has some insight or has done these things id like to know what they think

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