Daily Archives: January 12, 2023

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types

Donna asks…

What is the incidence of wind turbine failure due to over-speed?

I see lots of pictures and vidoes of catastrophic failure of turbines due to over-speed, the most devastating of which are where the gearbox catches fire. How common is this e.g. number of failures per thousand turbines per year.

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George asks…

Is a wind turbine’s blade speed related to its power output?

I’m doing a science fair project on the power output of wind turbines. I had planned to actually measure the power output of various types of blades, angles of blades, etc., but building a system like this seems to be beyond my knowledge. So, I thought that I would just measure the speed of the blades as they turned. The wind speed would be the same for each test. Can I just compare the blade speeds, rather than power outputs, and still have accurate results as to which type of turbine is best?

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