Monthly Archives: January 2023
Your Questions About Wind Turbines Colorado
Daniel asks…
I feel as if the world is going to end soon?
Every day I go to school and see on T.V. that the world seems to be coming to a close. Rising toxins in the air, tension with other countries, and even the small things like mass shootings in the U.S.
I feel as if my generation will die a terrible death due to sickness from overpopulation, or the holes in the Ozone being expanded to the point where radiation from the sun is literally pouring into our atmosphere.
I ask myself what can I do to help the environment, and I come to conclusions such as recycling, reusing, taking shorter showers, etc. But then I realize what the heck does this do? I feel like out of the 7 billion people on earth, only a micro percentage of people actually do something about the environment.
I recently watched a show on the Science Channel™ called: Earth, 2100. I mean to tell you that show freaked me out! They showed that in 100 years Las Vegas will be a ghost town due to the water shortage from the Colorado River. It also showed that people will have to wear gas masks whenever they walk outside. I don’t want my life to be like that! They also expect the population to triple by the time 2050 comes around. What does that mean for all of our resources? We will be short on water and food.
I’m sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable when reading this. I just started thinking about this topic and I have not been able to make any good out of it, or shake it out of my mind for the past week.
Any words of advice? I really don’t have anyone to talk to about this subject.
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Ruth asks…
where is the newstory for a solar panel that shifted in colorado from the wind?
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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators Types
Donna asks…
What is the incidence of wind turbine failure due to over-speed?
I see lots of pictures and vidoes of catastrophic failure of turbines due to over-speed, the most devastating of which are where the gearbox catches fire. How common is this e.g. number of failures per thousand turbines per year.
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George asks…
Is a wind turbine’s blade speed related to its power output?
I’m doing a science fair project on the power output of wind turbines. I had planned to actually measure the power output of various types of blades, angles of blades, etc., but building a system like this seems to be beyond my knowledge. So, I thought that I would just measure the speed of the blades as they turned. The wind speed would be the same for each test. Can I just compare the blade speeds, rather than power outputs, and still have accurate results as to which type of turbine is best?
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