Monthly Archives: December 2022

Your Questions About Wind Generators Ebay

Richard asks…

where can i buy a dynamo or motor for a wind turbine project. all the web sites use generators you cant buy!?

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Daniel asks…

Wind spinners/garden windmills?


Does anyone know where i can buy online in the uk the coloured wind spinners or garden windmills that are very bright and colourful???

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Lisa asks…

Why are people constantly clamoring about manufacturing jobs?

This has been a manufacturing lead recovery. We have plenty of manufacturing jobs.

Our Aeronautical Engineering industry is thriving with Boeing & Airbus consistently getting orders. Demand for mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers, electrical engineers and other kinds have been soaring. Our defensive spending is also keeping our military engineering companies afloat.

Ford, GM, Tesla and other auto manufacturers are increasing hiring substantially to produce lower emission vehicles looking for electrical, mechanical, automotive engineers and even people with skills working with battery and energy technology.

We are currently the largest producers of photovoltaic cells, and rank high in wind turbines. Although China is still kicking our arses in this industry due to their government subsidies.

These are only a few examples, not exhaustive. Let’s not ignore the development that occurs in semiconductors here, although we don’t manufacture them.

I am getting extremely vexed as to how people complain about this sector not thriving. Keep in mind, this is a service economy, approx. 70%, only 20% is manufacturing and that number is only going to get lower.
With the 9% unemployment the gap between job openings and hires is massive. The rate of job openings is severely outpacing job hires is relatively large. Its not businesses fault that people were to lazy to acquire the skills to get hired thus they import foreign workers.

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Nancy asks…

What company is the biggest manufacturer of wind turbine technologies?

And who are their competitors?

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