Monthly Archives: November 2022

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators For Home Use

Ken asks…

Does the Electric company pay me for Solar energy?

I am moving into a house with Solar Panels that feed unused electricity into the PG&E grid.

1. Does the electric company have to pay me for giving them electricity if I use less than what my home generates?

2. Do they send me a check in the mail or credit my PG&E account?

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James asks…

Can a village fan be created which run through wind energy for Individual.?

Is it possible to make a village fan that runs with the help of air blowing in Peripheral to the home.

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Your Questions About Wind Generators Cost

Mary asks…

How efficient is wind power? Does it cost more than burning coal?

Is it economically efficient to have wind power as your source of electricity?

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Jenny asks…

What are the best Deep Cycle batteries to use when storing energy from a wind generator and a solar panel?

I hear the forklift batteries are the best but they are to heavy to transport so I was thinking something a bit smaller but still capable of storing a lot of energy.
Well thank you very much !

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