Monthly Archives: April 2022

Your Questions About Wind Turbine Technician Jobs

Thomas asks…

Whats the life of a wind turbine technician like?

I was interested in doing this kind of work, but cant seem to find pay ranges and hours and travel amounts. Any help is appreciated

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Chris asks…

Is wind energy technician a good field to get in to?

i need a new profession and a community college near me offers a program to train you in this field but im worried that since you dont actually get a degree or nothing that i wont be able to find a job and the pay wont be that good. Its a two year course

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Your Questions About Wind Turbine Generators

Mandy asks…

What amount of electricity can I get from a powermax 600 W hybrid wind elec. generator?

I bought a PowerMax 600W Hybrid Wind Turbine Electricity generator for my cabin. I still need to assemble it to get its full use. Does anybody know what electrical devices will i be able to use with
this electricity? TV, fan, computer, microwave, etc…???is this sufficient electricity to make it through the day?

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Robert asks…

How do you store energy from a wind turbine?

I’m trying to bulid a wind turbine and i’m using a standard electric motor/generator. When the turbine spins it produces energy. I want to store that energy in a car battery but when ever I connect the – and + wires, instead of the turbine feeding power into the battery, the battery spins the turbine. What am I doing wrong?

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