Your Questions About Wind Turbines For Home Use

Jenny asks…

What is the difference between these wind turbines?

the types of wind turbines i found was
industrial, agricultural, commercial, municipal, and residential
what is the difference between these?!
which wind turbine is used where.
I only know residential is for homes & its the smallest of all the wind turbines
but what about the others?
also compare their sizes please
thank you


admin answers:

I do not think there is that many types of wind turbines because wind turbine’s solo purpose is to make eletricity and they don not really bulid them in the suburbs because it may be noise and it take a lot of space and also ot needs a lot of wind so only a limited area will be able to set up wind turbines.

Lisa asks…

Questions on windmills (wind turbines) for my home?

Hi, i am interested in getting a wind turbine for my home. I don’t think i can afford one to power the whole house, but want one to help with electric costs best i can. When looking them up, there are a bunch of websites and information that i am a bit confused as to what i should get. Is there someone on yahoo answers that has put one of these up or who knows about them and could maybe give me some advice? Thanks, i appreciate it

admin answers:

The turbine has to be 30 feet above surrounding buildings and trees. It has to be two tower heights away from any building. If it falls in any direction, it must not cross a property line. You pretty much need to have an acreage to have a wind turbine.

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